Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Nachiketas [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On the Path [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
The Life Divine [2]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Conversations with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [3]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Nachiketas [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
On the Path [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
The Life Divine [2]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
... the vital being on Page 853 the surface would alone make possible a similar survival of the life-part in us, the outer vital personality representative of the inner life-being, the vital Purusha. What would really happen then is that the wall between the inner self and the outer man would have broken down and the permanent mental and vital being from within, the mental and vital representatives... survival could only persist in the subtle body; the being would still have to discard its physical form, pass to other worlds and in its return put on a new body. The awakened mental Purusha and vital Purusha, preserving the mind sheath and the life sheath of the subtle body which are usually discarded, would return with them into a new birth and keep a vivid and sustained sense of a permanent being ...
... difficult to hear the psychic message than the voice of the mental Purusha—the latter is not infallible and is liable to err. The psychic never errs. Why isn't my vital controlled by the vital Purusha? The vital Purusha awakens only when all the desires are mastered and the vital being is calm. Where did the love and peace that I used to feel come from, since my heart was always closed? Your ...
... writes: The Being is one throughout, but on each plane of Nature, it is represented by a form of itself which is proper to that plane, the mental Purusha in the mental plane, the vital Purusha in the vital, the physical Purusha in the physical. 24 The Purusha is the silent witness consciousness which observes the actions of Prakriti — Prakriti is the Force of Nature which... is in the inner mental that this separation first happens and it is the inner mental Purusha who remains silent, observing the Prakriti as separate from himself. But it may also be the inner vital Purusha or inner physical or else without location simply the whole Purusha consciousness separate from the whole Prakriti. Sometimes it is felt above the head, but then it is usually spoken of as ...
... integration and openness of the vital being on the surface would alone make possible a similar survival of the life part in us, the outer vital personality representative of the inner life being, the vital Purusha. What would really happen then is that the wall between the inner self and the outer man would have broken down and the permanent mental and vital being from within, the mental and vital representatives... survival could only persist in the subtle body; the being would still have to discard its physical form, pass to other worlds and in its return put on a new body. The awakened mental Purusha and vital Purusha, preserving the mind sheath and the life sheath of the subtle body which are usually discarded, would return with them into a new birth and keep a vivid and sustained sense of a permanent being ...
... terrified or over- whelmed because they are there. One has to persevere till one can stand back from the mind as from the vital and feel Page 170 the deeper and larger mental and vital Purusha within one which are capable of silence, capable of a straight receptivity of the true Word and Force as of the true silence. If the nature takes the way of fighting down the difficulties first ...
... vital, nervous, more open, though still obscurely, to the psychic, capable of a first soul-formation, though only of an obscurer life-soul,—not the psychic being, but a frontal formation of the vital Purusha. This life-soul concretely senses Page 746 and contacts the things of the life-world, and tries to realise them here; it attaches immense importance to the satisfaction and fulfilment ...
... be fully understood. The Being is one throughout, but on each plane of Nature, it is represented by a form of itself which is proper to that plane, the mental Purusha in the mental plane, the vital Purusha in the vital, the physical Purusha in the physical. The Taittiriya Upanishad speaks of two other planes of the being, the Knowledge or Truth plane and the Ananda plane, each with its Purusha, but ...
... mechanical action of Nature which you observe as a disinterested witness. One can then become aware of an inner being which is separate, calm and uninvolved in Nature. This may be the inner mental or vital Purusha and not the psychic, but to get at the consciousness of the inner manomaya and prāṇamaya Purusha is always a step towards the unveiling of the psychic being. The condition in which all ...
... be fully understood. The Being is one throughout, but on each plane of Nature, it is represented by a form of itself which is proper to that plane, the mental Purusha in the mental plane, the vital Purusha in the vital, the physical Purusha in the physical. The Taittiriya Upanishad speaks of two other planes of the being, the Knowledge or Truth plane and the Ananda plane, each with its Purusha, but ...
... being is Purusha, the becoming is Prakriti. But then each inner being has its Purusha? Or is there one Purusha in all the beings? (Nolini) In each part of the being: that is, there is a vital Purusha, a mental Purusha, a physical Purusha.... It is what we call consciousness? Yes, the conscious being. The conscious being in its continuity? Yes. But how can one do the sadhana ...
... understand the Purusha: The Lord is the Supreme Purusha, the Purushottama. The Atman is the universal Purusha. The Jivatman is the individual Purusha, and the physical Purusha, the vital Purusha, the mental Purusha and the secret Purusha in the heart are projections of it. The soul is the Purusha that enters into the evolution. Is my understanding correct? This is one way ...
... Prakriti. In the physical formation of Prakriti, the individual takes the poise of the physical Purusha (annamaya purusa), in the vital formation of Prakriti, the individual takes the poise of the vital Purusha (prānamaya purusa), and in the mental formation of Prakriti in the human complex, the individual takes the poise of the mental Purusha (manomaya purusa). But these assumptions of the Purusha ...
... anguish, of fear and apprehension, and it is there that the soul becoming conscious of itself and separate from others feels lone, lonely, companionless, without support, as it were. The mentalised vital Purusha suffers from this peculiar night of the soul. Sartre's outlook is shot through with very many experiences of this intermediary zone of consciousness. The being immersed in Prakriti, as normally ...
... through its own angle the other parts. Likewise the physical has a Purusha and it too observes through its own consciousness. The mental Purusha says, "I see I am thinking, reasoning etc."; the vital Purusha says, "I see I am angry, violent or enjoying, energising etc."; the physical Purusha says, "I see I am acting, walking, running etc." Now each of these three Purushas, in an ordinary person, ...
... another way of operating, very different. There is mental, vital, and physical Page 212 being—mental nature, vital nature, physical nature, and the purusha in each,—mental purusha, vital purusha, and the physical purusha means the subjective self. There is always a division in mind, life and body. All this is reconciled on the level of the Supermind. It is only at the level of the Trut ...
... of the involution of the Divine in Matter. The Devas and Asuras are not evolved in Matter; for the typal being only a Purusha with its Prakriti is necessary—this Purusha may put out a mental and vital Purusha to represent it and according as it is centred in one or another it belongs to the mental or vital world. That is all. There is no essential difference anywhere, for all is fundamentally the ...
... upholding all the nature; but the Purusha can also be experienced as the Knower and the Ishwara. Sometimes it is as or through the mental Purusha in one centre or another, sometimes as or through the vital Purusha that one can become aware of one's self or spirit. It is also possible to become aware of the secret psychic being within by itself as the true individual; or one can be aware of the psychic being ...
... it is in the inner mental that this separation first happens and it is the inner mental Purusha who remains silent observing the Prakriti as separate from himself. But it may also be the inner vital Purusha or inner physical or else without location simply the whole Purusha consciousness separate from the whole Prakriti. Sometimes it is felt above the head—but then it is usually spoken of as the Atman ...
... Prakriti what to do or not to do. It can allow it to indulge sex or withhold indulgence. It is usually the mental Purusha (Manomaya Purusha) that one thus realises, but there is also the Pranamaya or vital Purusha. By the word Overself they probably mean this Purusha—they take it as a sort of personal Atman. Sex-Indulgence and the Integral Yoga What has this Yoga got to do with sex and sex-contact? ...
... progress. Similarly, the vital being can also attain immortality, if it becomes similarly individualised and integrated and at the same time becomes open on the surface consciousness to the inner vital Purusha and to the progressive action of the Infinite. The wall between the inner Page 51 self and the outer individuality would have broken down. The immortality of the mental being and the ...
... in the experience of the cosmic consciousness, there is what may be called the transcendent aspect, which is creative and without limitations. This is the solvent which destroys and creates. The vital Purusha who consented to a certain movement of nature, must surrender to the higher life and the transformation is possible. There are several levels in the incarnated consciousness. The Upanishads ...
... got the calm and power and ananda then sometimes there is an idea that the body is also immortal. Sri Aurobindo : That is due to the vital casting its own glow upon the physical. The vital Purusha is immortal and that creates a sense of immortality in the body but that is not the real conquest. In the case of Swami Brahmananda (of Chandod) he lived upto 300 years Page 310 ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 Sartrian Freedom THE poise of the ego, the consciousness of the psycho-vital Purusha as envisaged and experienced by Sartre leads to many other not less catastrophic conclusions. Here is something more on Freedom which seems to be almost the corner-stone of his system: "Freedom is not a being: it is ...
... through its own angle the other parts. Likewise the physical has a Purusha and it too observes through its own conscious-ness. The mental Purusha says, "I see I am thinking, reasoning, etc."; the vital Purusha says, "I see I am angry, violent or enjoying, energising, etc."; the physical Purusha says, "I see I am acting, walking, running, etc." Now each of these three Purushas, in an ordinary person, stands ...
... understand the Purusha: The Lord is the Supreme Purusha, the Purushottama. The Atman is the universal Purusha, The Jivatman is the individual Purusha and the physical Purusha, the vital Purusha, the mental Purusha and the secret Purusha in the heart are projections of it. The soul is the Purusha that enters into the evolution. Is my understanding correct ? This is ...
... obstacles offered by the vital. As the vital difficulties can be fought down and conquered, so can the mental. Only one has to see that these are the inevitable obstacles and neither cling to them nor be terrified or overwhelmed because they are there. One has to persevere till one can stand back from the mind as from the vital and feel the deeper and larger mental and vital Purushas within one which are... haste to seize quickly at what is presented to it as the highest Truth. That is unavoidable, but the more one is still in mind, the less this will distort things. The attempt of the mind and vital to seize on the experience is always one of the chief obstacles. It [ impulsive action ] is not any weakness of the will or the result of passivity, but an overhaste of decision upon a mental... of fact, to hold takes long with everybody. Once you have got it well established, your nature is likely to hold it firmly. As for the lack of discrimination, that is only in the physical and lower vital mind—within you there is something that can discriminate, the psychic. The only thing is to get it out and keep it in front. When you had the psychic state or rather a touch of it from time to time ...
... true mental — see Purusha. true physical — see Purusha. true vital — see Purusha. Truth-Consciousness — see Supermind. the vital (being) — the life-nature made up of desires, sensations, feelings, passions, energies of action and of all the play of possessive and other related instincts, such as anger, fear, greed, lust, etc. The vital has three main parts:... the psychic change in which the psychic being comes forward to dominate the mind, vital and physical so as to change the lower nature. Purusha — Conscious Being; Conscious-Soul; essential being supporting the play of Prakriti; the Purusha represents the true being on whatever plane it manifests — physical, vital, mental, psychic. Page 125 rajasic — of the nature of rajas... alone, but the whole physical mind, vital, material nature, physical mind — see under mind. Prakriti — Nature; Nature-Force. "Existence is composed of Prakriti and Purusha, the consciousness that sees and the consciousness that executes and formalises what we see. The one we call Soul, the other Nature." (Sri Aurobindo) see also Purusha. psyche — the soul; spark of the ...
... heart, Hence for him I came in person, princess, let thy husband part." Page 502 Yama from the prince's body, pale and bloodless, cold and dumb, Drew the vital spark, purusha, smaller thy the human thumb. In his noose the spark he fastened, silent went his darksome way, Left the body shorn of lustre to its rigid cold decay. Southward went the ...