The Mother [7]
A. B. Purani [3]
Amal Kiran [34]
Amrita [3]
Champaklal [6]
Dilip Kumar Roy [6]
Dr. A. S. Dalal [13]
Dr. Prema Nandakumar [1]
Dyuman [1]
Georges van Vrekhem [3]
Huta [2]
Jugal Kishore Mukherjee [13]
K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar [1]
Kireet Joshi [14]
Nagin Doshi [7]
Nirodbaran [6]
R. Y. Deshpande [5]
Rishabhchand [5]
Sahana Devi [3]
Satprem [2]
Sujata Nahar [2]
A Greater Psychology [8]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [1]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Classical and Romantic [2]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Poems [1]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [4]
Emergence of the Psychic [2]
Essays Divine and Human [4]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [4]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [8]
In the Mother's Light [2]
India's Rebirth [1]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [2]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Poetry and Art [4]
Letters on Yoga - I [9]
Letters on Yoga - II [4]
Letters on Yoga - III [11]
Letters on Yoga - IV [18]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Lights on Yoga [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [5]
Old Long Since [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On The Mother [1]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Our Many Selves [5]
Patterns of the Present [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [4]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Savitri [1]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [3]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Talks on Poetry [4]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Future Poetry [8]
The Human Cycle [4]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Inspiration of Paradise Lost [3]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Life Divine [12]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [3]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [4]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [16]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [2]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [4]
The Mother [7]
A. B. Purani [3]
Amal Kiran [34]
Amrita [3]
Champaklal [6]
Dilip Kumar Roy [6]
Dr. A. S. Dalal [13]
Dr. Prema Nandakumar [1]
Dyuman [1]
Georges van Vrekhem [3]
Huta [2]
Jugal Kishore Mukherjee [13]
K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar [1]
Kireet Joshi [14]
Nagin Doshi [7]
Nirodbaran [6]
R. Y. Deshpande [5]
Rishabhchand [5]
Sahana Devi [3]
Satprem [2]
Sujata Nahar [2]
A Greater Psychology [8]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [1]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Classical and Romantic [2]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Poems [1]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [4]
Emergence of the Psychic [2]
Essays Divine and Human [4]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [4]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [8]
In the Mother's Light [2]
India's Rebirth [1]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [2]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Poetry and Art [4]
Letters on Yoga - I [9]
Letters on Yoga - II [4]
Letters on Yoga - III [11]
Letters on Yoga - IV [18]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Lights on Yoga [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [5]
Old Long Since [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On The Mother [1]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Our Many Selves [5]
Patterns of the Present [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [4]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Savitri [1]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [3]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Talks on Poetry [4]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Future Poetry [8]
The Human Cycle [4]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Inspiration of Paradise Lost [3]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Life Divine [12]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [3]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [4]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [16]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [2]
Visions and Voices [1]
Visions of Champaklal [4]
... freely and independently of them as the thinking mind can do. The true thinking mind can stand above the vital movements, watch and observe and judge them freely as it would observe and judge outside things. In most men however the thinking mind (reason) is invaded by the vital mind and not free. The Thinking Mind and the Physical Mind The true thinking mind does not belong to the physical, it is... part to control it. It is a question of getting a kind of balance and harmony between them. The Thinking Mind and the Vital Mind The thinking mind does not lead men, does not influence them Page 178 the most—it is the vital propensities and the vital mind that predominate. The thinking mind with most men is, in matters of life, only an instrument of the vital. Vital thought expresses... with its education and its nature. But quite apart from that, what was commanding in St. Augustine may very well have been the thinking mind or reason while what was commanded was the vital, and mind and vital, whatever anybody may say, are not the same. The thinking mind or buddhi lives, however imperfectly in man, by intelligence and reason, and tries to act or makes the rest act under that law as ...
... think freely and independently of them as the thinking mind can do. The true thinking mind can stand Page 26 above the vital movements, watch and observe and judge them freely as it would observe and judge outside things. In most men however the thinking mind (reason) is invaded by the vital mind and not free. Does the thinking mind need some guidance in order to stand above... it does not matter much. But when the thinking mind seems to get caught into them and identifies itself with them one feels troubled. What exactly is it that gets caught? That is the physical mind. The physical and the mechanical mind are closely connected. Repetition is the habit of the mental physical — it is not the true thinking mind that does like that, it is the mental physical... Can the hostile forces attack us on the mental plane as they do on the vital plane? Yes — the physical mind especially can be made easily their prey — they can also invade the thinking mind. Our sense mind is active all the time and leaping out. How is one to make it sit down for some time? How to hold it in one's hands, so to speak? It is not the sense mind ...
... with its education and its nature. But quite apart from that, what was commanding in St. Augustine may very well have been the thinking mind or reason while what was commanded was the vital, and mind and vital, whatever anybody may say, are not the same. The thinking mind or ' Buddhi' lives, however imperfectly in man, by intelligence and reason. Vital, on the other hand, is a thing of desires, impulses... e is perfectly normal instead of being, as Augustine suggests, unintelligible. Of course, man can establish a mental control over his vital and in so far as he does it he is a man, because the thinking mind is a nobler and more enlightened entity and consciousness than the vital and ought, therefore, to rule and, if the mental will is strong, can rule. But this rule is precarious, incomplete and held... part of the nature which I have called the vital mind; the function of this mind is not to think and reason, to perceive, consider and find out or value things, for that is the function of the thinking mind proper, buddhi, -but to plan or dream or imagine what can be done. It makes formations for the future which the will can try to carry out if opportunity and circumstances become favourable or ...
... its self-exceeding, and, as thinking mind is the highest step she can now attain, the perfected mental man is the rarest and highest of her normal human creatures. To go farther she has to bring into the mind and make active in mind, life and body the spiritual principle. The Life Divine, pp. 717-20 The Physical Mind The true thinking mind does not belong to the physical... That is the nature of the mental physical to go on repeating without use the movement that has happened. It is what we call the mechanical mind — it is strong in childhood because the thinking mind is not developed and has besides a narrow range of interests. Afterwards it becomes an undercurrent in the mental activities. Letters on Yoga, p. 329 The Vital Mind ... part of the nature which I have called the vital mind; the function of this mind is not to think and reason, to perceive, consider and find out or value things, for that is the function of the thinking mind proper, buddhi, — but to plan or dream or imagine what can be done. It makes formations for the future which the will can try to carry out if opportunity and circumstances become favourable ...
... with its education and its nature. But quite apart from that, what was commanding in St. Augustine may very well have been the thinking mind or reason while what was commanded was the vital, and mind and vital, whatever anybody may say, are not the same. The thinking mind or buddhi lives, however imperfectly in man, by intelligence and reason. Vital, on the other hand, is a thing of desires, impulses... is perfectly normal instead of being, as Augustine suggests, unintelligible. Of course, man can establish a mental control over his vital and in so far as he does it he is a man—because the thinking mind is a nobler and more enlightened entity and consciousness than the vital and ought, therefore, to rule and, if the mental will is strong, can rule. But this rule is precarious, incomplete and... supplies these epithets which express only your shrinking and not what the retirement really is. For it Page 168 is the vital or the social part of it that shrinks from solitude; the thinking mind does not but rather courts it. The poet seeks solitude with himself or with Nature to listen to his inspiration; the thinker plunges into solitude to meditate on things and commune with a deeper ...
... not with a number of haphazard punctures but with a collection of piercing points which when added up constituted a big aperture sucking the reader into a world unknown to the thinking mind, particularly the French thinking mind. If we may indulge in a bit of punning, a poem of Mallarme's was at the same time a systematic W-h-o-l-e and a systematic H-o-l-e. His art may be described as a sort of camouflage... goes. And his success is all the more notable because he wrote in French. French is the speech par excellence of mental nettete and ordonnance, the clearness and orderliness belonging to the thinking mind. The French people, by and large, have not yet accepted Mallarme. We have a few critics who go mad over him but the majority of Frenchmen look on him as a sort of traitor to the literary genius... Mallarme is keenly conscious of this crypticism and sought always to avoid being clear though never falling into the chaotic. Obscurity he felt as the key to the mystery which he intuited beyond the thinking mind. And his preoccupation with the obscure is well hit off in an anecdote. Page 243 Once he was lecturing. Looking at the faces of his audience he got the impression that they seemed ...
... pleasant offering and bring a song of power that is a clearness cut in the siege and encumbrance; my thoughts are rubbed bright for Indra their first and original spouse by my heart and sense and thinking mind. (3) To him I bear in my mouth that highest song of power which wins the sun-world’s light, that I may increase this greatest seer by the pure utterances of my clear-cut thoughts. (4) To him... to be our comrade and friend. (7) This is the Wise in sight who moves by the direction of the Violent Ones, and by the Violent Ones the beloved Woman forms a wide field for her swiftness. The thinking mind has hearkened to Indra and it sings to him the word of light. Call we Indra with his retinue of Maruts to be our comrade and friend. (8) Whether thou art drinking of rapture in that highest... and the Mother Infinite magnify to me and the great River and Earth and Heaven. Page 238 SUKTA 102 (1) Behold I bring thee a thought great and of the Great One, because it is thy thinking mind that has wrought in the song of the human seer. This is that Indra in the wake of whose force the gods take rapture when he puts forth his might in the exaltation and the birth. (2) The seven ...
... silence, we observed that several mental layers had to be silenced: a thinking mind , which makes up our regular reasoning process; a vital mind , which justifies our desires, feelings and impulses; there is also a far more troublesome physical mind , whose conquest is as important for physical mastery as the conquest of the thinking mind and the vital mind are for mental and vital mastery. It would indeed... body's nervous plexuses. Roughly speaking, there are seven centers distributed in four zones: (1) The Superconscient , with one center slightly above the top of the head, 45 which controls our thinking mind and communicates with higher mental realms: illumined mind, intuitive mind, overmind, etc. (2) The Mind , with two centers: one between the eyebrows, which controls the will and dynamism of our... silenced, however, we do detect its presence, and then we realize how terribly unyielding it is. And it is too stupid to be open to reason. Yet, ultimately, it will have to yield, because just as the thinking mind is an obstacle to the widening of our mental consciousness and the vital mind is an obstacle to the universalization of our vital consciousness, the physical mind puts up a massive wall against ...
... negated any Reality beyond the individual and the cosmos; but it is also constantly affirming these things—sometimes one of them solely or any two or all of them together. It has to do so because our thinking mind is in its very nature an ignorant dealer in possibilities, not possessing the truth behind any of them, but sounding and testing each in turn or many together if so perchance it may get at some... for new worlds to conquer, an incessant drive towards an exceeding of the bounds of circumstance and a self-exceeding. To add to this cause of unrest and incertitude there comes in a thinking Page 430 mind that inquires into everything, questions everything, builds up affirmations and unbuilds them, erects systems of certitude but finally accepts none of them as certain, affirms and questions... a deep disgust and disappointment, finds that all is vanity and vexation of spirit and is ready to reject life and existence as an unreality, all that it hunted after as an illusion, Maya; the thinking mind, unbuilding all its affirmations, discovers that all are mere mental constructions and there is no reality in them or else that the only reality is something beyond this existence, something that ...
... always born in the vital mind or, as it might be called, the mind of the vital and from there they rush up to the thinking mind and claim its assent and the sanction of the mental will. When the thinking mind gets clouded by the uprush, it gets carried away and gives its assent. The thinking mind (reason) has always to remain unmoved above and judge what is right without being caught and carried away by... . But there were the outer mind, vital and physical that brought in their mixture of desire and ego and there could be no effective liberation in life and action till these were liberated. The thinking mind and higher vital can accept without too much difficulty, but the difficulty is with the lower vital and physical and especially with the most external parts of them; for these are entirely creatures ...
... part of the nature which I have called the vital mind; the function of this mind is not to think and reason, to perceive, consider and find out or value things, for that is the function of the thinking mind proper, buddhi ,—but to plan or dream or imagine what can be done. It makes formations for the future which the will can try to carry out if opportunity and circumstances become favourable or even... power or possession, will to action, emotions, vital ego reactions of the nature. It must be distinguished from the reasoning will which plans and arranges things according to the dictates of the thinking mind proper, the discriminating reason or according to the mental intuition or a direct insight and judgment. The vital mind uses thought for the service not of reason but of life-push and life-power... dictates on the reason instead of governing by a discriminating will the action of the life-forces. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Vital Being and Vital Consciousness The true thinking mind does not belong to the physical, it is a separate power. The physical mind is that part of the mind which is concerned with the physical things only—it depends on the sense mind, sees only objects ...
... sahasradala - above commands the higher thinking mind, houses the still higher illumined mind and at the highest opens to the intuition through which or else by an over flooding directness the overmind can have with the rest communication or an immediate contact."² (2) "...the thousand-petalled lotus above the head...commanding the higher thinking mind and the illumined mind and opening upwards... upwards to the intuition and overmind."³ (3) "...the thousand-petalled lotus...where are centralised the thinking mind and higher intelligence communicating with the greater mind planes (illumined mind, intuition, overmind) above." 4 (4) "...the sahasradala which centralises spiritual mind, higher mind, intuitive mind and acts as a receiving station fort he intuition proper and overmind... insecure. The remaining new definitions do not appear to bear out its conclusion. Thus the third shows the thousand-petalled lotus as the centralising Chakra - that is, the centre - for "the thinking mind and higher intelligence", and regards it as "communicating with...the illumined mind, intuition, overmind". Here the last three planes and not alone the Intuition and Overmind lie beyond the whole ...
... t in Life, the signs of sensation coming towards the surface are visible; in moving and breathing life the emergence of sensitive mind is apparent and the preparation of thinking mind is not entirely hidden, while in thinking mind, when it develops, there appear at an early stage the rudimentary strivings and afterwards the more developed seekings of a spiritual consciousness. As plant life contains... for the pure pleasure of creation: a small touch of lively colour and movement would have been flung into the immense cosmic desert and nothing more. The Witness could not have imagined that a thinking mind would appear in this minute island of life, that a consciousness could awake in the Inconscient, a new and greater subtler vibration come to the surface and betray more clearly the existence of... and in so doing sublimate the thought and life and flesh so that they may admit the rule of the soul and spirit. But this knowledge must be something more than a creed or a mystic revelation; his thinking mind must be able to accept it, to correlate it with the principle of things and the observed truth of the universe: this is the work of philosophy, and in the field of the truth of the spirit it can ...
... agree that poetry is "received by the thinking mind". It follows that whatever is simply a product of the thinking mind, however elegantly phrased and irrespective of its outward form, is not "real" poetry. Stated bluntly like that, the truth I am trying to express is greatly reduced. 1 know, I would not like to have to define what I mean by "thinking mind", or to state how poetry which after all... image impose itself because it embodied a truth, and the channel was clear? If Meredith had pondered over his image, he may have "undone" it and substituted something more conventional. Often the thinking mind rejects inspiration, not recognising it for what it is. Keeping the channel clear - that is labour enough: and slowing down the dance of "inspiration's lightning feet" because we cannot... on an image, on the rhythm of a phrase - I call that poetry! But who knows this better than you? Page 132 is that it "comes" and is not made by the surface intelligence - "the thinking mind", as we call it. And, of course, this implies that a poem "pre-exists" and there are, as you say, "the great wordless thoughts", but these movements of the higher conceptions and perceptions ...
... kingdom of intellect—for words are a coinage of the intellect. But is it so really or inevitably? It has always seemed to me that words came originally from somewhere else than the thinking mind, although the thinking mind secured hold of them, turned them to its use and coined them freely for its purposes. 53 Eckhart, too, says that thoughts can be there in the state of Presence, which is... knowledge begins to come from the higher planes—the Higher Mind to begin with, and this creates a new action of thought and perception which replaces the ordinary mental. It does that first in the thinking mind, but afterwards also in the vital mind and physical mind, so that all these begin to go through a transformation. This kind of thought is not random and restless, but precise and purposeful—it comes ...
... realising the Truth, he became known as the "Buddha" ("the Enlightened"). buddeḥ paratastu saḥ — that which is supreme over the intelligent will is He. [Gītā 3.42] Buddhi — the thinking mind proper; the mental power of understanding; the discerning intelligence and enlightened will; the discriminating principle of mind, at once intelligence and will. caitya puruṣ a —... mind; the centre between the eyebrows — ājñācakra — governs the dynamic mind, will, vision, mental formation; the thousand-petalled lotus — sahasradala — above commands the higher thinking mind, houses the still higher illumined mind and at the highest opens to the intuition through which or else by an overflooding directness the overmind can have with the rest communication or an... will, etc. that are part of man's intelligence. The ordinary mind has three main parts: mind proper, vital mind, and physical mind. The mind proper is divided into three parts: the thinking mind or intellect, concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right; the dynamic mind, concerned with the putting out of mental forces for the realisation of the ideas; and the externalising ...
... kingdom of intellect—for words are a coinage of the intellect. But is it so really—or inevitably? It has always seemed to me that words came originally from somewhere else than the thinking mind, although the thinking mind secured hold Page 358 of them, turned them to its use and coined them freely for its purposes. But even otherwise, is it not possible to use words for the expression of... or he concedes that the experience itself is of the domain of the ineffable, but he suggests that as soon as I begin to interpret it, to state it, I fall back inevitably into the domain of the thinking mind; I am using its terms and ways of thought and expression and must accept the intellect as judge. If I do not, I knock away the ladder by which I have climbed—through mind to Beyond-Mind—and I am ...
... our experience. The soul may attempt to achieve this contact mainly through the thinking mind as intermediary and instrument; it puts a psychic impression on the intellect and the larger mind of insight and intuitional intelligence and turns them in that direction. Page 934 At its highest the thinking mind is drawn always towards the impersonal; in its search it becomes conscious of a spiritual... considerable change of nature proper to this way of approach to the Divine Being. But for the purpose of an integral transformation this too is not enough; there must be a transmutation of the thinking mind and all the vital and physical parts of consciousness in their own character. This larger change can be partly attained by adding to the experiences of the heart a consecration of the pragmatic ...
... said the blue and gold together indicated the combined presence of Krishna and Durga-Mahakali; but gold and yellow have different significances. Yellow in the indication of forces signifies the thinking mind, buddhi , and the pink (modified here into a light vermilion) is a psychic colour; the combination probably meant the psychic in the mental. In interpreting these phenomena you must remember... consciousness of the divine Truth, the gold its knowledge. The silver temple is that of the spiritualised mind—the golden is that of the divine Truth. Yellow is the colour of the light of the thinking mind—white is that of the divine consciousness. White Light White light indicates the divine consciousness. White indicates a force of purity. The forces that come with white light... Orange Light Orange is the true light manifested in the physical consciousness and being. Orange is the colour of occult knowledge or occult experience. Yellow Light Yellow is the thinking mind. The shades indicate different intensities of mental light. Yellow is light of the mind—golden is light from above the mind. It is again the ascent into one of the higher planes of ...
... sadhaka has to see that, in his normal life-functionings and in his dealings with other men, he habitually take s recourse to this pure intellectual mentality. (I I) Equality of the Thinking Mind: This is the last limb of mental sadhana, apparently most difficult for man the mental creature who is passionately proud of his mental possession. The fact is that the mind of man... already-cherished formations. The indispensability of this sadhana has been clearly brought out by Sri Aurobindo in the following passage of The Synthesis of Yoga: "The equality of the thinking mind will be a part and a very important part of the perfection of the instrument s in the nature. Our present attractive self-justifying attachment to our intellectual preferences, our judgments,... to proceed to fresh illumination, nor lay too fierce a grasp on truth , eve n when using it to the full, or tyranneously chain it to its present formulations. This perfect equality of the thinking mind is indispensable Page 282 because the objective of this progress is the greater light which belongs to a higher plane of spiritual cognizance." (p. 679) Here ends our ...
... mainspring of its life corroded by rust, its vitality at a low ebb, and its vision narrowed and clouded. It had ceased to think creatively. Its thinking mind and higher reason had ceased to mediate between its soul and its life. And this atrophy of the thinking mind spelled, on the one hand, a catalepsy of the spiritual aspiration, and, on the other hand, a withering and enervation of life and its co... - to induce the English-educated men to think deeply on the political problems of the country and escape from the spell of an unthinking admiration of the Congress. To awaken and stimulate the thinking mind of a subject people is to set it firmly on the road to freedom. "...I say of the Congress, then, this, - that its aims are mistaken, that the spirit in which it proceeds towards their accomplishment ...
... Consciousness and Its Parts The physical consciousness is that part which directly responds to physical things and physical Nature, sees the outer only as real, is occupied with it—not like the thinking mind with thought and knowledge, or like the vital with emotion, passion, subtler satisfaction of desire. If this part is obscure, then it is difficult to bring into it the consciousness of deeper or... Mechanical Mind That is the nature of the mental physical to go on repeating without use the movement that has happened. It is what we call the mechanical mind—it is strong in childhood because the thinking mind is not developed and has besides a narrow range of interests. Afterwards it becomes an undercurrent in the mental activities. It must now have risen up with the other characteristics of the mental... that you have got into contact with the mechanical mind whose nature is to go on turning Page 207 round in a circle on the thoughts that come into it. This sometimes happens when the thinking mind is quiet. This is part of the physical mind and you should not be disturbed or alarmed by its rising up, but see what it is and quiet it down or get control of its movements. What is called ...
... part which receives the supernormal vision and truth-touch is the thinking mind where immediately the "thousand lights" become a crowd of ideas simultaneously present; third, the complexity and force with which the mystical experience occurs creates a brilliant confusion and a violent stir both emotional and nervous. The thinking mind is the dazzled and disordered recipient of truths that go home to... itself and it is the medium of them to the heart and the vitalistic being which at the same time give a most moved response and are quite thrown off their balance. And the truths with which the thinking mind is seized revolve round the seeing and feeling that man holds within him in his Page 99 ultimate nature the essence of goodness and that this essence is covered up by an artificial ...
... consciousness one sees them as separate, discovers their distinction and can with the aid of this knowledge analyse their surface mixtures. 10 ...mind and vital... are not the same. The thinking mind or buddhi lives, however imperfectly in man, by intelligence and reason. Vital, on the other hand, is a thing of desires, impulses, force-pushes, emotions, sensations, seekings after lif... mental, the vital and the physical — are intermixed and interact on one another, giving rise to distinguishable subdivisions within each part of the being. Thus, besides the mind proper (the thinking mind), there is a part of the mind which is intermixed with the vital, called the vital mind. There is also a part of the mind which is interfused with the physical, called the physical mind. Similar... the original and essential nature of our existence. Here at last there is something centrally true, but in its haste to arrive at it this knowledge assumes that there is nothing between the thinking mind and the Highest,... and, shutting its eyes in Samadhi, tries to rush through all that actually intervenes without even seeing these great and luminous kingdoms of the Spirit. Perhaps it arrives ...
... and in so doing sublimate the thought and life and flesh so that they may admit the rule of the soul and spirit. But this knowledge must be something more than a creed or a mystic revelation; his thinking mind must be able to accept it, to correlate it with the principle of things and the observed truth of the universe: this is the work of philosophy, and in the field of the truth of the spirit it can... that original Truth and the principle of its relations to the rest of existence, to ourselves and the universe." 5 In the spiritual life, Sri Aurobindo writes in The Life Divine : "Our thinking mind is concerned mainly with the statement of general spiritual truth, the logic of its absolute and the logic of its relativities, how they stand to each other or lead to each other, and what are the ...
... × Sri Aurobindo speaks of three main parts of the ordinary mind: mind proper, which is chiefly the thinking mind or intellect; the vital or desire mind; and the physical mind. The physical mind is the part of the mind that is concerned with physical things only and is limited by the physical view and experience... Letters on Yoga, × Buddhi is the discriminating principle that is at once intelligence (thinking mind) and mental will. × Sri Aurobindo. Essays on ...
... Yes, let your sister decide these things for herself; do not put any pressure upon her. There is no reason why one should not receive through the thinking mind, as one receives through the vital, the emotional and the body. The thinking mind is as capable of receiving as these are, and, since it has to be transformed as well as the rest, it must be trained to receive, otherwise no transformation ...
... inevitable. It shows also that you have already a deep inner life, Yogic and spiritual, which is veiled only because of the strong outward turn your education and past activities have given to your thinking mind and lower vital parts. It is precisely to correct this outward orientation and take away the veil that you have to practise the Yoga. And that it will be done is sure—for this having once happened... eyes or rather in the middle of the forehead (the centre of vision and will) and one above, communicating with the brain, which is called the thousand-petalled lotus, and where are centralised the thinking mind and higher intelligence communicating with the greater mind planes (illumined mind, intuition, overmind) above. The second new significant feature is the self-manifestation of the inner mind; ...
... in his infinity, Drowned in the Absolute, found in the Godhead, Swan of the supreme and spaceless ether wandering winged through the universe, Spirit immortal. Yes, the thinking mind is not in itself an enemy of the poetic. As Sri Aurobindo tells us, we, while rising above Nature, must not reject Nature, since there is the Divine's intention of self-unfoldment in it, and surely... incarnative dynamism. But before the subtle and the causal incarnativeness can come, there intervenes in the process of language what I have labelled as the transmissive use. Here the thinking mind disengages itself from emotion and sensation and Works in the interests of its own acute or rarefied or far-ranging powers. At first it is — to take again a term from Indian philosophical psychology ...
... in the two lower ascents, there is a heightening of the force of conscious existence to a new power and a new range of subtle activities; there is a transition from vital mind to reflecting and thinking mind, there is developed a higher power of observation and invention, taking up and connecting data, conscious of process and result, a force of imagination and aesthetic creation, a higher more plastic... and we do not discover any other significance in them; but in fact they are full of significance, for they are the steps of Nature's evolution of mental being towards its self-exceeding, and, as thinking mind is the highest step she can now attain, the perfected mental man is the rarest and highest of her normal human creatures. To go farther she has to bring into the mind and make active in mind, life ...
... direct intuitive or occult process as did the Vedic seers, but by the power of the mind's reflective, speculative, logical thought; at the same time processes of Yoga were developed which used the thinking mind as a means of arriving at spiritual realisation, spiritualising this mind itself at the same time. Then followed an era of the development of philosophies and Yoga processes which more and more... supramental. What is more likely to happen is that the supramental principle will be established in the evolution by the descent just as the mental principle was established by the appearance of thinking Mind and Man in earthly life. There will be a race of supramental beings on the earth just as now there is a race of mental beings. Man himself will find a greater possibility of rising to the planes ...
... and externalising mind; the centre between the eyebrows— ājñācakra —governs the dynamic mind, will, vision, mental formation; the thousand-petalled lotus— sahasradala —above commands the higher thinking mind, houses the still higher illumined mind and at its highest opens to the intuition through which or else by an overflooding directness the overmind can have with the rest communication or an immediate... being with the psychic deep behind it; (5) commanding expression and all externalisation of the mind movements and mental forces; (6) commanding thought, will, vision; (7) commanding the higher thinking mind and the illumined mind and opening upwards to the intuition and overmind. The seventh is sometimes confused with the brain, but that is an error—the brain is only a channel of communication situated ...
... is a greater and more difficult integration. No doubt, by calling in the spiritual force, it can establish an influence and a preliminary change in some parts of the nature, especially in the thinking mind itself and in the heart which is nearest to its own province: but this change is not often a total perfection even within limits and what it does achieve is rare and difficult. The spiritual co... centre and a sign for the establishment Page 997 of the supramental Consciousness-Force as an overtly operative power in the terrestrial workings of Nature,—in the same way in which thinking Mind has been established through the human evolution as an overtly operative power in Life and Matter. This would mean the appearance in the evolution of a gnostic being or Purusha and a gnostic Prakriti ...
... will, but it takes the workings of the higher reason and turns them into coin of opinion and customary standard of thought or canon of action. When we perform a sort of practical analysis of the thinking mind, cut away this element and hold back the higher reason free, observing and silent, we find that this current understanding begins to run about in a futile circle, repeating all its formed opinions... itself it is a sport of Time and a bondslave of Life. The seeker of the Silence has to cast it away from him; the seeker of the integral Divinity has to pass beyond it, to replace and transform this thinking mind intent on Life by a greater effectuating spiritual Will, the Truth-Will of the spirit. The third and noblest stage of the intellectual will and reason is an intelligence which seeks for some ...
... the real nature of the response. It is not the mere sensation to which what he calls pure poetry appeals but to a deeper inner life or life-soul within us which has profounder depths than the thinking mind and responds with a certain kind of soul-excitement or ecstasy—the physical vibrations on which he lays stress are merely a very outward result of this sudden stir within the occult folds of the... luminous and assured clarity of the fully expressed spiritual experience. I did not mean to contrast it with the mental clarity which is aimed at usually by poetry in which the intelligence or thinking mind is consulted at each step. The concreteness of intellectual imaged description is one thing and spiritual concreteness is another. "Two birds, companions, seated on one tree, but one eats the fruit ...
... can be got to work on the level just above the ordinary thinking mind where that mind opens through the full intuitive intelligence to a greater supra-intellectual mass and subtlety of light, it will bring in the revelation and inspiration of mightier and profounder things than when it works from behind the mind—even the vividly thinking mind of life and its vital sight and feeling. For here, on the ...
... reach this state. It helps the mental quietude and silence as well as the vital to come. It means indeed that the vital itself and the vital mind are already falling silent and becoming quiet. The thinking mind is sure to follow. The Drawing of Vital Forces by Others When people mix together there is generally some interchange of vital forces which is quite involuntary. X himself suffers from physical... your vital mind that supplies these epithets which express only your shrinking and not what the retirement really is. For it is the vital or the social part of it that shrinks from solitude; the thinking mind does not but rather courts it. The poet seeks solitude with himself or with Nature to listen to his inspiration; the thinker plunges into solitude to meditate on things and commune with a deeper ...
... come from different planes of consciousness. Even the same thought-substance can take higher or lower vibrations according to the plane of consciousness through which the thoughts come in (e.g., thinking mind, vital mind, physical mind, subconscient mind) or the power of consciousness which catches them and pushes them into one man or another. Moreover there is a stuff of mind in each man and the incoming... become more and more content and give place to spiritual perception, psychic intimations and discrimination, intuitions, a deeper knowledge from within, a higher knowledge from above. The thinking mind has to learn how to be entirely silent. It is only then that true knowledge can come. Page 54 Of course [ a silent mind is the result of Yoga ]; the ordinary mind is never silent ...
... there—as has been done in the thinking mind. Each plane, one after the other, has to open initially in that way down to the physical. So long Page 491 as this initial opening is not made in all the parts, there can be no complete and final descent of the higher consciousness anywhere. If the nervous being and other physical parts are not open, even the thinking mind cannot be finally open, for ...
... intellect should be only an intermediary for the action of that source of true Knowledge. There is no reason why one should not receive through the thinking mind, as one receives through the vital, the emotional and the body. The thinking mind is as capable of receiving as these are, and, since it has to be transformed as well as the rest, it must be trained to receive, otherwise no transformation ...
... Divine. It is only when he has that fully that he can love others in the right way. * There is no reason why one should not receive through the thinking mind, as one receives through the vital, the emotional and the body. The thinking mind is as capable of receiving as these are, and, since it has to be transformed as well as the rest, it must be trained to receive, otherwise no transformation ...
... above to the Superconscient and below to the Subconscient and the Inconscient. bhakti (Bhakti) —devotion; love for the Divine. Buddhi —intelligence-will; understanding; intellect; reason; thinking mind; the discriminating principle, at once intelligence and will. central being —the portion of the Divine which supports the individual being and survives from life to life; it has two forms:... vision and will, etc. that are part of man's intelligence. The ordinary mind has three main parts: mind proper, vital mind, and physical mind. The mind proper is divided into three parts: the thinking mind or intellect, concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right; the dynamic mind, concerned with the putting out of mental forces for the realisation of the ideas; and the externalising mind ...
... vital and the physical. The mind proper is divided into three parts—thinking Mind, dynamic Mind and externalising Mind. The vital is divided into three parts, the emotional vital, the central vital and the lower vital. The physical refers to the material or physical consciousness and to the physical body. The thinking Mind is concerned with ideas and knowledge in their _____________ ...
... not with a number of haphazard punctures but with a collection of piercing points which when added up constituted a big aperture sucking the reader into a world unknown to the thinking mind, particularly the French thinking mind. “If we may indulge in a bit of punning, a poem of Mallarme’s was at the same time a systematic W-h-o-l-e and a systematic H-o-l-e. His art may be described as a sort of ...
... physical. Sri Aurobindo speaks of three parts of the mind, — thinking Mind, dynamic Mind and externalizing Mind. The vital is divided into three parts, the emotional vital, the central vital and the lower vital. The physical refers to the material or physical consciousness or corporeal consciousness and to the physical body. The thinking Mind is concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right ...
... vital and the physical. The mind proper is divided into three parts thinking Mind, dynamic Mind and externalising Mind. The vital is divided into three parts, the emotional vital, the central vital and the lower vital. The physical refers to the material or physical consciousness and to the physical body. The thinking Mind is concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right. It reasons and ...
... Intuition or occult process as did the Vedic seers, but by the power of the mind's reflective, speculative, logical thought; at the same time processes of yoga were developed which used the thinking mind as a means of arriving at spiritual realisation, spiritualising this mind itself at the same time. Then followed an era of the development of philosophies and yoga processes which more Page... supramental. What is more likely to happen is that the supramental principle will be established in the evolution by the descent just as the mental principle was established by the appearance of thinking Mind and Man in earthly life. There will be a race of supramental beings on the earth just as now there is a race of mental beings. Man himself will find a greater possibility of rising to the planes ...
... kingdom of intellect—for words are a coinage of the intellect. But is it so really or inevitably? It has always seemed to me that words came originally from somewhere else than the thinking mind, although the thinking mind secured hold of them, turned them to its use and coined them freely for its purposes. But even otherwise, is it not possible to use words for the expression of something that is not ...
... and interact on one another, giving rise to distinguishable subdivisions in the main parts of the being. Thus besides the thinking mind (the mind proper), there is a vital mind, which is the part of the mind that is intermixed with the vital. The vital mind, unlike the thinking mind, is not governed by reason but is dominated by impulses and desires of the vital, and seeks to justify and rationalise actions ...
... and for all time; it is again the human soul that is speaking moved by a greater and deeper inspiration of cosmic feeling with the thought only as a mould into which the feeling is poured and the thinking mind only as a passive instrument. This applies to many or most of the distinctly overhead lines we meet or at least to those which may be called overhead transmissions. Even the lines that are perfect... indeed the true note but the first is only clever and forcible with that apposite, striking and energetic cleverness which abounds in the chief poets of that period and imposes their poetry on the thinking mind but usually fails to reach deeper. Of course, there can be a divine or at least a deified cleverness, but that is when the intellect after finding something brilliant transmits it to some higher ...
... have often enforced their claim, but they have still been obliged in general to work under the inquisition and partial control of reason and to refer to it as arbiter and judge. Now, however, the thinking mind of the race has become more disposed to question itself and to ask whether existence is not too large, profound, complex and mysterious a thing to be entirely seized and governed by the powers of... constant communion with his supreme will and knowledge. Page 113 × The ordinary mind in man is not truly the thinking mind proper, it is a life-mind, a vital mind as we may call it, which has learned to think and even to reason but for its own ends and on its own lines, not on those of a true mind of knowledge. ...
... have to be got rid of, but they must be quietened, purified, controlled and transformed. That will take place fully when the thinking mind becomes fully conscious and when the psychic comes forward and leads and governs both it and the vital and physical being. Your thinking mind is becoming more and more conscious; that is shown by what you write, for the perceptions there expressed are quite clear-seeing ...
... into being. Page 407 एवा ते अग्ने विमदो मनीषामूर्जो नपादमृतेभिः सजोषाः । गिर आ वक्षत् सुमतीरियान इषमूर्वं सुक्षितिं विश्वमाभाः ॥१०॥ 10) So, O Fire, rapturous thou bearest thy thinking mind, O son of energy, companioning the immortals, coming to us thou bearest thy words and thy right thinkings, thou bringest impelling force, energy, happy worlds of habitation, all. 4 SUKTA... of the Rock, or the Peak. × Or, Vimada, the rapturous one, coming carries to thee, O Fire, his thinking mind, to thee his words and his right thinkings, brings etc. ...
... for the best maintenance, satisfaction, development, good order of the associated life and its units, is good; all that has in the view of the society a contrary effect or tendency is evil. But thinking mind then comes in with its own valuation and strives to find out an intellectual basis, an idea of law or principle, rational or cosmic, a law of Karma perhaps or an ethical system founded on reason... ego-centricity and the law of an egoistic self affirmation. It is in the errors of this self-affirmation that wrong and evil first arise: wrong consciousness engenders wrong will in the members, in the thinking mind, in the heart, in the life-mind and the sensational being, in the very body-consciousness; wrong will engenders wrong action of all these instruments, a multiple error and many-branching crookedness ...
... Religion, leaving constantly its little shining core of spiritual experience, has lost itself in the obscure mass of its ever extending ambiguous compromises with life: in attempting to satisfy the thinking mind, it more often succeeded in oppressing or fettering it with a mass of theological dogmas; while seeking to net the human heart, it fell itself into pits of pietistic emotionalism and sensationalism;... most intense and its privilege is to be the key to the most profound and secret recesses of the Divine Mystery. Man, because he is a mental being, is prone to give the highest importance to the thinking mind and its reason and will and to its way of approach and effectuation of Truth and, even, he is inclined to hold that there is no other. The heart with its emotions and incalculable movements is to ...
... whole fundamental means and the ultimate aim of an integral Karmayoga. Even for those whose first natural movement is a consecration, a surrender and a resultant entire transformation of the thinking mind and its knowledge, or a total consecration, surrender and transformation of the heart and its emotions, the consecration of works is a needed element in that change. Otherwise, although they may... has its native home in the emotions and sensations and instincts and from there affects thought and volition; ego-sense lives indeed in these movements, but it casts its deep roots also in the thinking mind and its will and it is there that it becomes fully selfconscious. These are the twin obscure powers of the obsessing world-wide Ignorance that we have to enlighten and eliminate. In the field ...
... observing and knowing our inner movements; the more intimate is the method of our dynamic part of mind associating itself with our sensations, feelings and desires: but in this association too the thinking mind can intervene and exercise a separative dissociated observation and control over both the dynamic self-associating part of mind and the vital or physical movement. All the observable movements of... obscures and disfigures even this limited self-knowledge; our self-view is vitiated by the constant impact and intrusion of our outer life-self, our vital being, which seeks always to make the thinking mind its tool and servant: for our vital being is not concerned with self-knowledge but with self-affirmation, desire, ego. It is therefore constantly acting on mind to build for it a mental structure ...
... Divine Being in the Gita will be the anchor of its resolution, "Abandon all dharmas and take refuge in Me alone; I will deliver thee from all sin and evil; do not grieve." The equality of the thinking mind will be a part and a very important part of the perfection of the instruments in the nature. Our present attractive self-justifying attachment to our intellectual preferences, our judgments, opinions... forbidden by it to proceed to fresh illumination, nor lay too fierce a grasp on truth, even when using it to the full, or tyrannously chain it to its present formulations. This perfect equality of the thinking mind is indispensable because the objective of this progress is the greater light which belongs to a higher plane of spiritual cognizance. This equality is the most delicate and difficult of all, the ...
... develop a considerable power of intuitive half-supramentalised thought and knowledge, but the will may remain untransformed and out of harmony with this partial half-supramental development of the thinking mind, and the rest of the being too, emotional and nervous, may continue to be equally or more unregenerate. Or there may be a very great development of intuitive or strongly inspired will, but no c... as is specially needed in order not wholly to obstruct the will action. The emotional or psychic mind may try to intuitivise and supramentalise itself and to a great extent succeed, and yet the thinking mind remain ordinary, poor in stuff and obscure in its light. There may be a development of intuitivity in the ethical or aesthetic being, but the rest may remain very much as it was. This is the reason ...
... vision or to any high power of either ideal or spiritual result." Even when there is ostensibly a judgment on life such as a reflective intellect might pass, it is not really a product of the thinking mind at work in its own right: it is really a throw-forth from the passionate being. Sri Aurobindo has instanced that "thought" which we have already cited from Macbeth. He picks out its most pronounced... character of storm and stress and is not meant by Shakespeare to be philosophic. Well, let us turn to Hamlet. Here surely Shakespeare tries to mirror the intellect. Hamlet is his closest vision of the thinking mind. Critics have declared that the whole tragedy of Hamlet's irresolution comes of his thinking too much. I do not deny that Hamlet thinks in a manner and to a degree that no other character in Shakespeare ...
... grateful! ( Mother laughs ) Oh, but I AM grateful! ( Mother leafs through "The Mother" by Sri Aurobindo, then reads: ) Here: Imperial Maheshwari is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with a splendour beyond them. For she is the mighty and wise One who opens us to the supramental infinities and the... me know. If I am asked, "Who is it?"—I know because of this. ADDENDUM ( Extract from "The Mother" by Sri Aurobindo 5 ) Imperial MAHESHWARI is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with a splendour beyond them. For she is the mighty and wise One who opens us to the supramental infinities and the ...
... profundity almost in excess of the occasion' (p. 28). But when he goes on to aver that Shakespeare is 'not a poet of the thinking mind proper' (p. 28), he may be missing how much of the mind thinking (in the fashion of Emerson's 'man thinking'), which is to be preferred to 'the thinking mind', is there in Shakespeare. However, his main corroboration of the Aurobindonian perception of 'an unfailing divinity ...
... without going out, get some work done. At present, there will be a going out purely because the Divine shall call you for purposes that you may not even know. The thinking mind will have no part in the motive of your travels. The thinking mind has been hit open and something more inward has been set free - something inward beyond all your previous depth. Deriving from that suddenly revealed centre, your ...
... without going out, get some work done. At present, there will be a going out purely because the Divine shall call you for purposes that you may not even know. The thinking mind will have no part in the motive of your travels. The thinking mind has been hit open and' something more inward has been set free - something inward beyond all your previous depth. Deriving from that suddenly revealed centre, your ...
... of the two poets. Valmiki's description is physically concrete whereas Sri Aurobindo's is a concretisation of abstract experiences of the subtle psycho-spiritual world—abstract to the thinking mind only, for they are concrete realities to the experiencing soul. ii) Vyasa and Sri Aurobindo The Mahabharata and the Ramayana, says Sri Aurobindo, "are built on an almost cosmic... in one's life the truth seen. Now, the truth seen is not by itself the highest reality that Mantra realises. Mantra is bom, says Sri Aurobindo, "through the heart and shaped or massed by the thinking mind into a chariot of that godhead of the Eternal of whom the truth seen is a face or form." 164 That means that it brings the Eternal itself to the hearts of those who are prepared to receive ...
... aesthetic beauty or of all three together. But spiritual knowledge perceives that there is a greater thing in us; our inmost self, our real being is not the intellect, not the aesthetic, ethical or thinking mind, but the divinity within, the Spirit, and these other things are only the instruments of the Spirit. The Foundations of Indian Culture, p. 139 On the surface we know only so much of... obscures and disfigures even this limited self-knowledge; our self-view is vitiated by the constant impact and intrusion of our outer life-self, our vital being, which seeks always to make the thinking mind its tool and servant: for our vital being is not concerned with self-knowledge but with self-affirmation, desire, ego. It is therefore constantly acting on mind to build for it a mental structure ...
... aims at the contact with the spiritual Page 46 reality for a larger and comprehensive aim. The soul may attempt to achieve the contact with the spiritual reality mainly through the thinking mind as intermediary instrument, as in Jnana yoga; or it can attempt an ordinary approach through the heart and through the emotions, through love and adoration of the All-Beautiful and All-Blissful... mind on its surface, of the heart or life-force on its surface and even of the body on its surface. This larger change can be partly attained by adding to the experiences of the heart and of the thinking mind a consecration of the pragmatic will. It is by combination of all these three approaches that one can create or arrive at a spiritual or psychic condition of the surface being and nature in which ...
... Essence can never be defined — it simply is. Could it be said that my intellect or inner mind has now detached itself from the lower Prakriti? The thinking mind generally — except the physical part. LOSS OF MEMORY IN SADHANA In which part of the mind is the memory of everything stored? It is not in the mind alone;... Does the inquiry consciousness belong to she intelligence proper? There is no "inquiry consciousness", there is curiosity in the physical mind or a tendency to inquire in the thinking mind. What is the difference between a thought of the physical mind and a thought of the mind proper? The field is different and the capacity. In the Mother ...
... with gold 1 The Serpent Power- says that this lotus "has its head turned downward." Page 324 light around." This centre, said Sri Aurobindo, commands "the higher thinking mind and the illumined mind" and opens "upwards to the intuition and over mind." He clarified that some identify it "with the brain, but that is an error—the brain is only a channel of communication... cosmic strength, A sacred beast lay prone below her feet, A silent flame-eyed mass of living force. ............ In the country of the lotus of the head Which thinking mind has made its busy space, In the castle of the lotus twixt the brows Whence it shoots the arrows of its sight and will, In the passage of the lotus of the throat Where ...
... ill-combined; in doing so he creates; his philosophy, though not new in its materials, is new in the whole effect it produces and the more powerful light that in certain directions it conveys to the thinking mind. The question is whether Shankara's system was not new in this sense and, though the previous material still subsisting is insufficient to decide the question, it must, I think, be answered pro ...
... For I will teach her what her charm must weave. UNGARICA Her heart's her teacher. Call here, Vullabha, The princess. MAHASEGN O, the heart, it is a danger, A madness! Let the thinking mind prevail. UNGARICA We are women, king. MAHASEGN Be princesses! My daughter Has dignity, pride, wisdom, noble hopes; Page 665 She will not act as common natures do. ...
... single image, word or idea, a fixed contemplation rather than meditation. The choice between these two methods and others, for there are others, depends on the object we have in view in Yoga. The thinking mind is the one instrument we possess at present by which we can arrive at a conscious self-organisation of our internal existence. But in most men thought is a confused drift of ideas, sensations and ...
... passive to the power, light and joy of something which is beyond themselves. What happens then is that this divine Unnameable reflects Himself openly in the gods. His light takes possession of the thinking mind. His power and joy of the life. His light and rapture of the emotional mind and the senses. Something of the supreme image of Brahman falls upon the world-nature and changes it into divine nature ...
... aesthetic beauty or of all three together. But spiritual knowledge perceives that there is a greater thing in us; our inmost self, our real being is not the intellect, not the aesthetic, ethical or thinking mind, but the divinity within, the Spirit, and these other things are only the instruments of the Page 196 Spirit. A mere intellectual, ethical and aesthetic culture does not go back to the ...
... itself as they move or stand. Man comprises in himself all these, the standing, the moving and the self-revolving — these are represented in him by the four rhythms of matter, .sense, sense-mind and thinking mind. He is a field, broadly speaking, of these four great rhythms, of these four great movements, and each comprises many and various smaller movements giving rise to a complexity, a richness and variety ...
... itself as they move or stand. Man comprises in himself all these, the standing, the moving and the self-revolving — these are represented in him by the four rhythms of matter, .sense, sense-mind and thinking mind. He is a field, broadly speaking, of these four great rhythms, of these four great movements, and each comprises many and various smaller movements giving rise to a complexity, a richness and variety ...
... itself as they move or stand. Man comprises in himself all these, the standing, the moving and the self-revolving — these are represented in him by the four rhythms of matter, .sense, sense-mind and thinking mind. He is a field, broadly speaking, of these four great rhythms, of these four great movements, and each comprises many and various smaller movements giving rise to a complexity, a richness and variety ...
... Introduction Visions of Champaklal Examples from History The educated man. of today with his thinking mind would tend to ask the question whether visions can be real. We have heard of great saints like Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and such supreme spiritual personalities as Sri Aurobindo, who had “seen God face to face” or “talked with ...
... different parts of the being to which the outer mind has no access,—possibly, the inner vital (the woman may be the occult vital nature), emotional etc. The ceiling (yellow) may be the intellect or thinking mind which walls one in and prevents from getting into the open spaces of the higher Consciousness. But through all a way lies to the open way of the higher Consciousness full of peace, light and Ananda ...
... To live again and feel the hands of calm. 53 This is verily the Maheshwari described by Sri Aurobindo in The Mother. Imperial Maheshwari is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with splendour beyond them. For she is the mighty and wise One who opens us to the supramental infinities and the ...
... inspiration throughout a large structure. One should not forget that Sri Aurobindo has to narrate the external events, the very mundane affairs, and in the expository parts he has to use his thinking mind and logic. That is why he is not in a position to record such wonderful revelations throughout his epic. The apparently colourless passages are relevant in their contexts. There are times when ...
... different parts of the being to which the outer mind has no access,—possibly, the inner vital (the woman may be the occult vital nature), emotional etc. The ceiling (yellow) may be the intellect or thinking mind which walls one in and prevents [one] from getting into the open spaces of the higher consciousness. But through all a way lies to the open way of the higher Consciousness full of peace, light and ...
... Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo - Some Comparisons Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo Parts of the Ordinary Mind The different parts of the ordinary mind (the thinking mind, the vital mind, and the physical mind) have been previously alluded to (Chapter 1, p. 12, fn. 17; and Chapter 5, p. 85, fn 21). Eckhart regards any and all activity of the mind as mental noise ...
... realms of observation and understanding. Now in the play of Nature has been set into motion another faculty, that of the early mind. First appears the physical mind, marking the beginning of the thinking mind. It is tied to habits and it toils in ignorance. Soon arrives Reason. She has come and made great inventions, built philosophies and rational disciplines, drawn on the map of knowledge a few ...
... × Sri Aurobindo distinguishes three main parts of the ordinary mind: proper, which is chiefly the thinking mind or impellent; the vitrify mind. which is a mind of dynamic will, ace ion and desire; and the physical mind, which is concerned with physical things only and is limi1 end to the ...
... to Prof. Sorley's position — he concedes that the experience itself is of the domain of the Ineffable, but as soon as I begin to interpret it, to state it, I fall back into the domain of the thinking mind, I use its terms and ways of thought and expression and must accept the intellect as judge. If I do not, I knock away the ladder by which I have climbed — through mind to Beyond-Mind — and I ...
... p. 1658 It is the waking mind which thinks and wills and controls more or less the life in the waking state. In the sleep that mind is not there and there is no control. It is not the thinking mind that sees dreams etc. and is conscious in a rather incoherent way in sleep. It is usually what is called the subconscient that comes up then. If the waking mind were active in the body, one would ...
... come from different planes of consciousness. Even the same thought-substance can take higher or lower vibrations according to the plane of consciousness through which the thoughts come in (e.g. thinking mind, vital mind, physical mind, subconscient mind) or the power of consciousness which catches them and pushes them into one man or another. Moreover there is a stuff of mind in each man and the incoming ...
... union with the Divine and life in the divine consciousness, is the meaning of the integral transformation. Paghe-198 Mind is our present topmost faculty; it is through the thinking mind and the heart with the soul, the psychic being behind them that we have to grow into the Spirit, for what the Force first tries to bring about is to fix the mind in the right central idea, faith ...
... the unexpected of the Mother. The field where perhaps the unexpected is most to be expected is that of the Divine's Grace. Grace is understood to occur without rhyme or reason for the thinking mind; else it would be not Grace but Justice. Actually the Aurobindonian Yoga may be described as essentially one of Grace. The Supreme Consciousness of the Mother offers to take up our sadhana and ...
... that it attempts to open up a new dimension of poetic expression. In English literature we have the Shakespearian accent of the thrilled rapid life-force, the Miltonic tone of the majestically thinking mind, the deep or colourful cry of the idealistic imagination as in Wordsworth and Shelley and, recently, Yeats and A.E. Savitri, while taking into itself the whole past of English poetry, adds not ...
... here, I had lost my head over Sri Aurobindo and the Mother the moment I had seen them and that was surely the heart's doing. Since then the chief motive-power has been something other than the thinking mind. Not that I have renounced thought, but thought has been a winging rather than a pacing or even a running that it usually was. The change was due to the inmost kindling that took place in the presence ...
... describing states of the Spirit: he is letting these states communicate themselves in a mode of expression proper to prose-writing. Prose has to be true to the gods of clarity and order so that the thinking mind may be able to grasp things and discern a system in them, but it has also to convey something of the beauty of whatever it holds forth as truth. Prose and not only poetry is an art, and the sense ...
... rock of offence that always awaits poetry in which the intellectual element becomes too predominant, the fatal danger of a failure of vision". The Life-Force has a more natural impulsion than the thinking mind: hence the sight and insight needed for genuine poetry can be stirred more continually when the poetic part in one is functioning from within the vital being or in close contact with it even when ...
... aye, we fare As summer-gusts, of sudden birth and doom, Whose sound and motion not alone declare, But are their whole of being!... 9 This is the genuine language of the thinking mind, with actually a Miltonic influence on some of the verbal turns. And yet what is often termed Milton's "organ-voice" is Page 102 wanting - something in the manner and still more ...
... the terms of the same mathematical equations. And this sense and discernment of unity and uniformity in the physical universe - this reduction of that universe to a harmonious seizability by the thinking mind which looks Page 120 always for simple fundamental all-integrating categories was most religiously meaningful for Newton: it showed him that behind the universe there was one great ...
... power or possession, will to action, emotions, vital ego reactions of the nature. It must be distinguished from the reasoning will which plans and arranges things according to the dictates of the thinking mind proper, the discriminating reason or according to the mental intuition or a direct insight and judgment. The vital mind uses thought for the service not of reason but of life-push and life-power ...
... Chesterton monosyllabic? 31 January 1935 Yeats and the Occult The perfection here of Yeats' poetic expression of things occult is due to this that at no point has the mere intellectual or thinking mind interfered—it is a piece of pure vision, a direct sense, almost sensation of the occult, a light not of earth flowing through without anything to stop it or to change it into a product of the t ...
... and mainly in the latter is very significant. These are the mental centres and it is evident therefore that the difficulty comes from the physical mind. The higher part of the mind belongs to the thinking mind proper, the buddhi, that which understands and observes and guides; the throat is the centre of the externalising mind, that which deals with outer and physical things and responds to them. Its ...
... light like the rest and there will come in a quietude, wideness, harmony free from all reactions that will be the basis of the final change. When the psychic being and the heart and the thinking mind have surrendered, the rest is a matter of time and process—and there is no reason for disturbance. The central and effective surrender has been made. Complete or Absolute Surrender If you ...
... after a certain sight or certain approximations in experience. A number of indications are all that at present it can be useful to give. And first it will be enough to take certain clues from the thinking mind; for it is there that some of the nearest keys to the supramental action are discoverable. The thought of the intuitive mind proceeds wholly by four powers that shape the form of the truth, an intuition ...
... which arrived as an enemy of the old culture. Appealing to the poor, the oppressed and the ignorant, it sought to capture the soul and the ethical being, but cared little or not at all for the thinking mind, content that that should remain in darkness if the heart could be brought to feel religious truth. When the barbarians captured the Western world, it was in the same way content to Christianise ...
... lower vital activities it is desire that Nature takes as her most powerful leverage; but the distinct character of man is that he is a mental being, not a merely vital creature. As he can use his thinking mind and will to restrain and correct his life impulses, so too he can bring in the action of a still higher luminous mentality aided by the deeper soul in him, the psychic being, and supersede by these ...
... Self, the original and essential nature of our existence. Here at last there is something centrally true, but in its haste to arrive at it this knowledge assumes that there is nothing between the thinking mind and the Highest, buddheḥ paratas tu saḥ , and, shutting its eyes in Samadhi, tries to rush through all that actually intervenes without even seeing these great and luminous kingdoms of the Spirit ...
... universe not an absolute Consciousness and Knowledge, but an absolute Inconscience and Ignorance may be the source. Anything may be true in such a cosmos: everything may have been born out of nothing; thinking mind may be only a disease of unthinking Force or inconscient Matter; dominant order, which we suppose to be existence according to the truth of things, may be really the mechanical law of an eternal ...
... mind concerned with its petty rules of life and its desires and joys and sorrows and erecting their puny standards into the law and aim of the cosmos. These notions cannot be acceptable to the thinking mind; they have too evidently the stamp of a construction fashioned by our human ignorance. But the same solution can be elevated to a higher level of reason and given a greater plausibility and the ...
... him the seat of sacrifice, and seated him within as Priest of the call. SUKTA 10 त्वामग्ने मनीषिणः सम्राजं चर्षणीनाम् । देवं मतसि इन्धते समध्वरे ॥१॥ 1) Thee, O Fire, men who have the thinking mind kindle in the sacrifice, an emperor over those who see, mortals set alight a godhead. त्वां यज्ञेष्वृत्विजमग्ने होतारमीळते । गोपा ऋतस्य दीदिहि स्वे दमे ॥२॥ 2) Thee, O Fire, they pray ...
... ं मन्द्रं परो मनीषया ॥२॥ 2) By his mouth, in his complete law, thou becomest greater in the self-glory and boldest in mind that rapturous heaven manifoldly brilliant in its light beyond the thinking mind. अस्य वासा उ अर्चिषा य आयुक्त तुजा गिरा । दिवो न यस्य रेतसा बृहच्छोचन्त्यर्चयः ॥३॥ 3) This, indeed, is he who by the ray of this Fire has become possessed of the force and the word and ...
... पूर्वीरर्यो मनीषा अग्निः सुशोको विश्वान्यश्याः । आ दैव्यानि व्रता चिकित्वाना मानुषस्य जनस्य जन्म ॥१॥ 1) May we win the many Riches, may the Fire, flaming high with his light, master by the thinking mind, take possession of all things that are, he who knows the laws of the divine workings and knows the birth of the human being. गर्भो यो अपां गर्भो वनानां गर्भश्च स्थातं गर्भश्चरथाम् । अद्रौ ...
... It can come by a rapid change, a decisive descent of the divine supermind into the human being. It would be impossible for them to be born in the monkey except by a miraculous descent of the thinking mind into the life mind of the animal. How do you suppose a human couple to be suddenly born of a couple of monkeys? By stages of ascent, each involving an influx of more and more mind, the first into ...
... high, stand, O Flame, O offering priest of the journeying sacrifice, be very mighty for sacrifice in the forming of the gods. For thou comest over every thought and thou carriest on its way the thinking mind of the orderer of the work. 2) अमूरो होता न्यसादि विक्ष्वग्निर्मंद्रो विदथेषु प्रचेताः । ऊर्ध्वं भानुं सवितेवाश्रेन्मेतेव धूमं स्तभायदुप द्यां ॥ अमृरः अमूढः प्रगल्भ इत्यर्थः मंद्रः ...
... Divine Reality that in our self and essence we are,—this is the complete fulfilment of our existence and this is the integral Yoga. To enter into the Divine either by the way of the thinking mind or by the way of the heart or by the way of the will in works or by a change of the psychological nature-stuff or a freeing of the vital force in the body is not enough; all this is not enough. ...
... ce. If they lost sight of heaven or missed the spiritual sense of the ideals they took over from earlier ages, yet by this rational and practical insistence on them they drove them home to the thinking mind. Even their too mechanical turn developed from a legitimate desire to find some means for making the effective working of these ideals a condition of the very structure of society. Materialism ...
... The pure intellect cannot create poetry. The inspired or the imaginative reason does indeed play an important, sometimes a leading part, but even that can only be a support or an influence; the thinking mind may help to give a final shape, a great and large form, saṁ mahemā manīṣayā , as the Vedic poets said of the Mantra, but the word must start first from a more intimate sense in the heart of the ...
... Mind and Sleep It is the waking mind which thinks and wills and controls more or less the life in the waking state. In the sleep that mind is not there and there is no control. It is not the thinking mind that sees dreams etc. and is conscious in a rather incoherent way in sleep. It is usually what is called the subconscient that comes up then. If the waking mind were active in the body, one would ...
... level of the being. There is a centre at the top of the head and above it which is that of the above-mind or higher consciousness; a centre in the forehead between the eyebrows which is that of the thinking mind, mental will, mental vision; a centre in the throat which is that of the expressive or externalising mind: these are the mental centres. Below comes the vital—the heart (emotional), the navel (the ...
... bound or involved in the activity of Nature, aloof, detached and self-existent. Even if thoughts come across this Page 453 silence, they do not disturb it; the Self is separate from the thinking mind also. In this connection the feeling "I think" is a survival from the old consciousness; in the full silence what one feels is "thought occurs in me"—the identification with thoughts as well as ...
... the control over death is a later, not an initial stage. Each of these stages demands a great length of time and a high and long endeavour. To be sthitaprajña merely means to have one's thinking mind settled in the spiritual consciousness in the realisation of Self. That does not necessarily transform the other parts of the nature. The bringing down of the Force and Light of the higher consciousness ...
... one feels the seat of the subconscient below the feet, but the influence of the subconscious is not confined there—it is spread in the body. In the waking state it is overpowered by the conscious thinking mind and vital and conscious physical mind, but in the sleep state it comes on the surface. Habits and the Subconscient The subconscient is a thing of habits and memories and repeats persistently ...
... , of which the greatest is the union with the Divine and life in the divine consciousness, is the meaning of the integral transformation. Mind is our present topmost faculty; it is through the thinking mind and the heart with the soul, the psychic being behind them that we have to grow into the Spirit, for what the Force first tries to bring about is to fix the mind in the right central idea, faith ...
... clumsy and foolish or inconsistent with what he has been protesting the moment before, by any kind of misstatement or any kind of device. This is a common misuse, but none the less a misuse of the thinking mind; but it takes in him exaggerated proportions and so long as he keeps to it, it will be impossible for him to see or live the Truth. Whatever the difficulties of the nature, however long and painful ...
... vital, it is not easily convinced because its reasoning is supplied to it by the vital which thinks according to its own desires and feelings—unless a great clarity from the psychic or from the thinking mind above comes to the rescue. It is the psychic consciousness, not perfect but still well developed, that supports some of those whom you mention and makes it easy for them to go on in faith—but ...
... January 1935 The Mother and I will do all to get rid of the cloud which the physical mind presents against the permanent consciousness of your soul's connection with the Mother; but let your thinking mind be firm in its will to be rid of it and to call the aid of our Force. 6 February 1936 Last night I got stuck at every stanza and had to send you and Mother frequent S.O.S.'s to rescue me ...
... externalising mind; the centre between the eye-brows - ājnācakra - governs the dynamic mind, will, vision, mental formation; the thousand-petalled lotus sahasradala - above commands the higher thinking mind, houses the still higher illumined mind and at the highest opens to the intuition through which or else by an over-flooding directness the overmind can have with the rest communication or an immediate ...
... The more one goes, the more intense becomes the psychic happiness.... 14 — Sri Aurobindo * Man, because he is a mental being, is prone to give the highest importance to the thinking mind and its reason and will and to its way of approach and effectuation of Truth and, even, he is inclined to hold that there is no other. The heart with its emotions and incalculable movements is to ...
... though the exact meaning may vary "with the field, the combinations, the character and shades of the color, the play of forces": red = physical; orange = supramental in the physical; yellow = thinking mind; green = life; blue = higher mind; violet = divine compassion or grace; gold = divine Truth; white = the light of the Mother, or the Divine Consciousness. * About S 100, 000 Page ...
... and in so doing sublimate the thought and life and flesh so that they may admit the rule of the soul and spirit. But this knowledge must be something more than a creed or a mystic revelation; his thinking mind must be able to accept it, to correlate it with the principle of things and the observed truth of the universe: this is the work of philosophy, and in the field of the truth of the spirit it can ...
... September Questions and Answers (1957-1958) 24 September 1958 " Our thinking mind is concerned mainly with the statement of general spiritual truth, the logic of its absolute and the logic of its relativities, how they stand to each other or lead to each other, and what are the mental consequences of the spiritual ...
... spiritual passion, though the poetic upshot is no whit inferior: Whatever flares upon the night Man's own resinous heart has fed. The artistry of the aged Yeats made the thinking mind grip and undrape mysteries; that of the young Yeats cunningly Page 27 surrendered to mysteries and made them grip it and undrape themselves with its aid. The larger reality behind ...
... which, at once terrifying and enrapturing, resides the absolute of earthly song and towards which man should move by opening out of physical "World" into psychological "Space". Valéry, whose thinking mind is analytic, agnostic, doubtful of norms and reluctant to subscribe to his teacher Mallarmé's aesthetic mysticism, is yet at one with Rilke and Bloc in the personality he unfolds in his poetry. ...
... Slayer and saviour, thinker and mystic, leaped from his sun-peaks Guarding in Ilion the wall of his mysteries Delphic Apollo. Athene, not Apollo, is the clear and tempered light of the thinking mind, though still not without the breath of inspiration that always works when this mind is not all on its own but knows a rapport with a greater illumination, the intuitive Truth Consciousness beyond ...
... another rule! viz. that it must have developed so far as to be separated and have its own growth and development. The working consciousness is always a separate part of the being just as is the thinking mind, even before Yoga, but people are not conscious of it. By sadhana one becomes conscious of its separateness. But this does not ensure its having peace always. That depends on its condition at the ...
... foreseeable future this envisaged transfiguration of the whole being of man? The necessary clue can be found in the fact that with the appearance, upon the earth, of man with his developed thinking mind the evolution has decisively changed its course and process and become 'reflexively' conscious . Up till the advent of man the organic evolution had been effected through the automatic operation ...
... and in so doing sublimate the thought and life and flesh so that they may admit the rule of the soul and spirit. But this knowledge must be something more than a creed or a mystic revelation; his thinking mind must be able to accept it, to correlate it with the principle of things and the observed truth of the universe.... But 40. Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, p. 299. 4t. Sri Aurobindo, Letters ...
... s and suns and planets, existing only for itself, without a sense in it, empty of cause or purpose" 14 , there could at all be first an outbreak of teeming life and then the appearance of a thinking mind? Would it not have seemed to be a sheer absurdity to foresee that "in this minute island of life,... so inconspicuous amid the immensities, in one sole species out of this petty multitude, a ...
... being the establishment of divine life upon earth and our intermediate goal being the achievement of victory of the Di-vine in the totality of our embodied human existence, a consecration of the thinking mind and its knowledge alone or the consecration of the heart and its emotions will not serve our purpose. The entire consecration of the pragmatic will in works is absolutely necessary. Otherwise ...
... marked stages. For not only the fruit of works belongs to the Lord alone, but our works also must be his; he is the true Lord of our action no less than of our results. This we must not see with the thinking mind only, it must become entirely true to our entire consciousness and will. The Sadhaka has not only to think and know but to see and feel concretely and intensely even in the moment of the working ...
... joy and capacity; to that they must turn from their ordinary operations;... What happens then is that this divine Unnameable reflects Himself openly in the gods. His light takes possession of the thinking mind, His power and joy of the life, His light and rapture of the emotional mind and the senses. Something of the supreme image of Brahman falls upon the world-nature and changes it into divine nature ...
... would have seen a Nature concerned only with establishing this outburst of Life, this new creation, but Life living for itself with no significance in it. We could not have imagined that a thinking mind would appear in this minute island of life, that a consciousness could awake in the Inconscient, a new, greater and subtler vibration come to the surface and betray more clearly the existence of ...
... etc. Then any trace of illness, even of a violent pain, vanishes! To be able to do that is very good. HEAD-COLD When there is a cold in the head, the thinking mind becomes passive and impressions and impulses come up from the subconscient, and the mechanical mind goes on. What you describe happens very usually during a cold in the head, as ordinarily ...
... process of the solution of the problems that human life is confronted with and of the problems that humanity is passing through at the contemporary moment. Not only that, just as the evolution of the thinking mind has led the evolutionary process to develop a human body with special characteristics and structure that distinguish it from the body of the Darwinian Ape, similarly, there would come about, according ...
... a fulfilment of the divine purpose in a life of God-guided action. "Even for those whose first natural movement is a consecration, a surrender and a resultant entire transformation of the thinking mind and its knowledge, or a total consecration, surrender and transformation of the heart and its emotions, the consecration of works is a needed element in that change.... It is possible, indeed, to ...
... tumult and thrill of life's stimulating adventure, and, again, by a renunciation'' of the exclusive goad of desires and the blinding storm of passions, into the partial poise and quiet of the thinking mind. But since we find even this poise precarious and this quiet ¹ The Science of Living by the Mother, ² ibid. Page 198 besieged and obscured by the waves of the ...
... was of a Goddess. I can only say that it was the face of Maheshwari. Sri Aurobindo has written of this aspect of the Divine Shakti: "Imperial Maheshwari is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with a splendour beyond them .... Tranquil is she and wonderful, great and calm for ever .... " This was the first ...
... about a kind of chaos in the perceptions, out of which a new knowledge will emerge. This “new element” is the mind of the cells, which is in the process of upsetting our human earth, just as our thinking mind one day upset the earth of the apes. 2 The Other State A first experience is always very strange, even a bit crazy. All the same, there must have been one moment, one day ...
... to feel as if he had lost it or as if it had all been unreal or untrue. I suppose that is why you object to my phrase about your having gone so far. I meant that you had had openings in your thinking mind, heart and higher vital and experiences also and had seen very lucidly the condition of your own being and nature and had by that got so far that these parts were ready for the spiritual change ...
... divine purpose in a life of God-guided action. 3 Page 27 "Even for those whose first natural movement is a consecration, a surrender and a resultant entire transformation of the thinking mind and its knowledge, or total consecration, surrender and transformation of the heart and its emotions, the consecration of works is a needed element in that change....It is possible, indeed, to ...
... Contrasts Know more > What opposites are here! A trivial life Specks the huge dream of Death called Matter; intense In its struggle of weakness towards omnipotence, A thinking mind starts from the unthinking strife In the order of the electric elements. Immortal life breathed in that monstrous death, A mystery of Knowledge wore as sheath Matter's mute nescience ...
... resolutely recognise that you have made and are still making mistakes, and have entered into a condition Page 317 that is unfavourable to your object. You have tried to get rid of the thinking mind, instead of perfecting and enlightening it, and have tried to replace it by artificial "inspirations and intuitions." You have developed a dislike and shrinking for the body and the physical ...
... the power to handle them for the purposes of life and of Yoga. In your case what is strong in your nature is especially the dynamic mind, the vital force and the practical physical mind. The thinking mind in you in spite of the interest it has taken in religion and philosophy is not easily open to a true illumination. The other parts mentioned above could more easily accept the light, but they cannot ...
... most intense and its privilege is to be the key to the most profound and secret recesses of the Divine Mystery. Man, because he is a mental being, is prone to give the highest importance to the thinking mind and its reason and will and to its way of approach and effectuation of Truth and, even, he is inclined to hold that there is no other. The heart with its emotions and incalculable movements is to ...
... dry reaction from the Mother. Then later she says that there was no difference from her usual expression and attitude. How can it be so? Under these circumstances what clarity can come from the thinking mind or the psychic? The psychic clarity would have told you that Mother was not likely to tell a lie and that if she says she did not tell you to go and that there was nothing in her mind except ...
... vision and will, etc. that are part of man's intelligence. The ordinary mind has three main parts: mind proper, vital mind, and physical mind. The mind proper is divided into three parts: the thinking mind or intellect, concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right; the dynamic mind, concerned with the putting out of mental forces for the realisation of the ideas; and the externalising mind ...
... which takes an earthly body. That is what is called an Avatar. I thought you knew that. Sri Aurobindo has explained this in many places. "Imperial Maheshwari is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will...." 1 Is there a plane of will, as there is a mental plane, a vital plane, etc.? I have explained that to you in connection with Sachchidananda. Sachchidananda exists at the very ...
... ce is perfectly normal instead of being, as Augustine suggests, unintelligible. Of course man can establish a mental control over his vital and in so far as he does it he is a man,—because the thinking mind is a nobler and more enlightened entity and consciousness than the vital and ought therefore to rule and, if the mental will is strong, can rule. But this rule is precarious, incomplete and established ...
... Self, the original and essential nature of our existence. Here at last there is something centrally true, but in its haste to arrive at it this knowledge assumes that there is nothing between the thinking mind and the Highest, buddheḥ paratastu saḥ , 34 and, shutting its eyes in Samadhi, tries to rush through all that actually intervenes without even seeing these great and luminous kingdoms of the ...
... of oneness with the Divine, not in the ordinary consciousness. Subordinate and Great Experiences One who lives in the spiritual consciousness is a spiritual man, just as one who lives in thinking mind is an intellectual man. The spiritual consciousness is that in which you realise the Divine, the Self, the cosmic oneness as the constant living contact with these things. I do not know what you ...
... be immortal. A lightest trifle, if it manages to get itself saturated with this sweetness of poetic delight and beauty, will be preserved for its sake, while the highest strenuous labour of the thinking mind and the most forceful assertion of the life-power, if deprived of or deficient in this subtlest immortalising essence, may carry on for a time, but soon drops, grows old, sinks into the gulf of ...
... lies not in cessation of thinking and the turn to a strenuous description of life, nor even in a more vitally forceful thinking, but in another kind of thought mind. The filled activity of the thinking mind is as much part of life as that of the body and vital and emotional being, and its growth and predominance are a necessary stage of human progress and man's self-evolution. To go back from it is ...
... sudden and abrupt paces or the alternation of these and intermediate and variant lengths and turns: there is something at the same time densely full and singularly and minutely subtle in the modern thinking mind which is with difficulty accommodable by the restricted range of subtleties, variations and fullnesses of any given poetic measure. Why not then break away from all the old hampering restrictions ...
... accompany in the creator or human channel that expression of the inner sight and hearing which takes the shape of the luminous word. The Mantra is born through the heart and shaped or massed by the thinking mind into a chariot of that godhead of the Eternal of whom the truth seen is a face or a form. And in the mind too of the fit outward hearer who listens to the word of the poet-seer, these three must ...
... the poetical inspiration. They are, Coleridge in his scanty best work, Blake almost always, strong in sight, but are unable to command the weight and power in the utterance which arises from the thinking mind when it is illumined and able to lay hold on and express the reality behind the idea. They have the faculty of revelatory sense in a high degree, but little of the revelatory thought which should ...
... your nature, and that not the deepest or strongest part, would be satisfied with it or with the atmosphere in which it would have to be done. Page 16 In these matters it is not the thinking mind but the vital being—the life-force and the desire nature—or some part of it at least, that usually determines men's action and their choice—when it is not some outward necessity or pressure that ...
... sadhana. To cleave to the path means to follow it without leaving it Page 213 or turning aside. It is a path of self-offering of the whole being in all its parts, the offering of the thinking mind and the heart, the will and actions, the inner and the outer instruments so that one may arrive at the experience of the Divine, the Presence within, the psychic and spiritual change. The more one ...
... ess and in a change of our main power of living. This will be a leap or an ascent even more momentous than that which Nature must at one time have made from the vital mind of the animal to the thinking mind still imperfect in our human intelligence. The central will implicit in life must be no longer the vital will in the life and the body, but the spiritual will of which we have now only rare and ...
... organised State is neither the best mind of the nation nor is it even the sum of the communal energies. It leaves out of its organised action and suppresses or unduly depresses the working force and thinking mind of important minorities, often of those which represent that which is best in the present and that which is developing for the future. It is a collective egoism much inferior to the best of which ...
... self-description of the same spirit. There is much in it of curious and delighted thinking, but little of a high and firm intellectual value. Culture is still in its imaginative childhood and the thinking mind rather works for the curiosity and beauty of thought and even more for the curiosity and beauty of the mere expression of thought than for its light and its vision. The poetry which comes out of ...
... into the heart where the general bháva (character, temperament, sense & feeling) of the Nama manifested itself to the sensationally perceiving mind & then raised it by distinct concept into the thinking mind. The mind by dwelling on the vák brings out the thing defined by Nama into being in the experience of the thinker & there establishes it as a living & acting presence. The mantra then, when it is ...
... intuitive self I meant the intuitive being, that part which belongs to the intuitive plane or is in connection with it. The intuition is one of the higher planes of consciousness between the human thinking mind and the supramental plane. The difference between intuition and thought is very much like that between seeing a thing and badgering one's brains to find out what the thing can possibly be ...
... force and action. The feeling you had at meditation may have been the sense of the removal of some veil of obscurity covering the mind—the head from the crown to the throat being the seat of the thinking mind. It is usually supposed that the left is the side of power, the right of knowledge. The ascent from below [ the left foot ] means of course the material and subconscient calling down the ...
... also, it is something else and not that kind of judgment of which you are speaking. It is perhaps true that music goes direct to the intuition and feeling with the least necessity of using the thinking mind with its strongly limiting conceptions as a self-imposed middleman, while painting and sculpture do need it and poetry still more. At that rate music would come first, architecture next, then sculpture ...
... initially successful sadhak it has already built a deep inner life, Yogic and spiritual, which is veiled only because of some strong outward turn the education and past activities have given to the thinking mind and lower Page 218 vital parts. It is precisely to correct this outward orientation and take away the veil that he has to practise more strenuously the Yoga. Once the inner being has ...
... and pronounce yourself unfit for ever because of this quite ordinary obstacle. The insistence of the ordinary mind and its wrong reasonings, sentiments and judgments, the random activity of the thinking mind in concentration or its mechanical activity, the slowness of response to the veiled or the initial touch are the ordinary Page 20 obstacles the mind imposes just as pride, ambition, ...
... something in the being. Pressure, throbbing, electrical vibrations are all signs of the working of the Force. The places indicate the field of action—the top of the head is the summit of the thinking mind where it communicates with the higher consciousness; the neck or throat is the seat of the physical, externalising or expressive mind; the ear is the place of communication with the inner mind centre ...
... silence of the spirit. When the supramental Light touches them, it will put them in their place and finally replace them by the true truth of things. The Mind and Intuition For the human thinking mind there are always many sides to everything and it decides according to its own bent or preference or its habitual ideas or some reason that presents itself to the intellect as the best. It gets the ...
... Cultivation of the Mind in Yoga Letters on Yoga - IV Chapter III The Power of Expression and Yoga Verbal Expression It is the thinking mind that works out ideas, the externalising mental or physical mind that gives them form in words. Probably you have not developed this part sufficiently—the gift of verbal expression is besides comparatively rare ...
... the being are shut up in themselves and full of narrow and ignorant movements. It is plain. The lower being (vital and physical) was receiving an influence (mental light, yellow) from the thinking mind and higher vital which was clearing it of the old habitual lower vital reactions: very often in the sadhana one feels the inner being speaking to the outer or the mind or higher vital speaking to ...
... many questions and get their separate answers. All your ten questions resolve themselves into one. In every human being there are two parts, the psychic with so much Page 642 of the thinking mind and higher (emotional, larger dynamic) vital that is open to the psychic and cleaves to the soul's aims and admits the higher experiences and on the other hand the lower vital and the physical or ...
... than its own habit and instinct. Moreover, this force as it is now acting in you with regard to X seems to be purely vital physical and physical in its character. It is not supported by your thinking mind or your rational will, these are opposed to its continuance; it has no emotional support, for you are no longer attracted by her or in love with her; the higher vital does not seem to be concerned ...
... of your third experience. What you have felt is indeed a touch of the Self,—not the unborn Self above, the Atman of the Upanishads, for that is differently experienced through the silence of the thinking mind, but the inner being, the psychic supporting the inner mental, vital, physical being, of which I have spoken. A time must come for every seeker of complete self-knowledge when he is thus aware of ...
... different parts of the being to which the outer mind has no access—possibly, the inner vital (the women may be the occult vital nature), emotional etc. The ceiling (yellow) may be the intellect or thinking mind which walls one in and prevents from getting into the open spaces of the higher consciousness. But through all a way lies to the open way of the higher consciousness full of peace, light and Ananda ...
... to feel as if he had lost it or as if it had all been unreal or untrue. I suppose that is why you object to my phrase about your having gone so far. I meant that you had had openings in your thinking mind and heart and higher vital and experiences also and had seen very lucidly the condition of your own being and nature and had by that got so far that these parts were ready for the spiritual change—what ...
... and as an instrument of the Divine. The seat of desire is not so much in the emotional as in the lower vital—but the desires rise up from there into the emotional part and even into the thinking mind. It is always the habit of the vital being to find out things by which it persuades the mind and justifies its desires; and circumstances usually shape themselves to justify it still farther ...
... direct and living influence of the Mother. To the four we give the four great names, Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. Imperial MAHESHWARI is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with a splendour beyond them. For she is the mighty and wise One who opens us to the supramental infinities and the ...
... mental balance is due to exaggerated ego, exaggerated sex, acceptance of a hostile force etc. I may observe that X does not seem to me to be mad—there is no sign of a dislocation of the thinking mind due to lesion or accident or illness. What there is is a fixed idea and what is called folie de persécution , but that is not due to insanity—people have it who have otherwise an acute and perfectly ...
... 410 श्रीणामुदारो धरुणो रयीणां मनीषाणां प्रार्पणः सोमगोपाः । वसुः सूनुः सहसो अप्सु राजा वि भात्यग्र उषसामिधानः ॥५॥ 5) An exalter of glories, a holder of the riches, a manifester of thinking mind, a guardian of the wine of delight, a shining One, the son of force, the king in the Waters, he grows luminous as he burns up in the front of the dawns. विश्वस्य केतुर्भुवनस्य गर्भ आ रोदसी ...
... the comradeship of the Fire. Page 369 अन्तरिच्छन्ति तं जने रुद्रं परो मनीषया । गृभ्णन्ति जिह्वया ससम् ॥३॥ 3) Within they wish him to be in a man the "terrible one", beyond the thinking mind; by his tongue they seize the peace. जाम्यतीतपे धनुर्वयोधा अरुहद् वनम् । दृषदं जिह्वयावधीत् ॥४॥ 4) High burnt the companion bow, a founder of the growth he climbed to woodland, he smote ...
... of his constant intimate experience. He is sure of an inexpressible Self-Existence which is the essence of himself and all things; he is intimately aware of an essential Consciousness of which thinking mind and life-sense and body-sense are only partial and diminished figures, a Consciousness with an illimitable Force in it of which all energies are the outcome, but which is yet not explained or accounted ...
... stages. For not only the fruit of works belongs to the Lord alone, but our works also must be his; he is the true lord of our actions no less than of our results. This we must not see with the thinking mind only, it must become entirely true to our entire consciousness and will. The sadhaka has not only to think and know but to see and feel concretely and intensely even in the moment of the working ...
... mind and body on the earth marks a crucial step, a decisive change in the course and process of the evolution; it is not merely a continuation of the old lines. Up till this advent of a developed thinking mind in Matter evolution had been effected, not by the self-aware aspiration, intention, will or seeking of the living being, but subconsciously or subliminally by the automatic operation of Nature. ...
... occurs and continues as a movement of conscious-force of my being carried forward by its own original impulsion of disturbance. Memory comes in to prolong the disturbance by a recurrence of the thinking mind to the occasion of anger or of the feeling mind to the first impulse of anger by which it justifies itself in a repetition of the disturbance; otherwise the perturbation would spend itself and only ...
... of a power of universal love. This is the highest and the most characteristic perfection of the heart, prema-sāmarthya . Page 737 The last perfection is that of the intelligence and thinking mind, buddhi . The first need is the clarity and the purity of the intelligence. It must be freed from the claims of the vital being which seeks to impose the desire of the mind in place of the truth ...
... simply takes Page 651 up, records, understands and responds to the communications of the sense-mind, memory, heart and sensational mentality. It creates by their means an elementary thinking mind which does not go beyond their data, but subjects itself to their mould and rings out their repetitions, runs round and round in the habitual circle of thought and will suggested by them or follows ...
... and things, but also of all truth of diversity of that oneness, all its detail, circumstance, manifold way of action, form, law of movement and happening, various manifestation and creation; for thinking mind the joy of existence is discovery and the penetration of the mystery of creation that comes with knowledge. This the gnostic change will fulfil in an ample measure; but it will give it a new character ...
... withdraws his past sanction from the tangle of the mental undercurrent and the reasoning intellect and causes both to cease from their importunities. He becomes liberated from subjection to the thinking mind and capable of the utter silence. For perfection there is necessary also the resumption by the Purusha of his position as the lord of his Nature and the will to replace the mere mental undercurrent ...
... spirit. The action of the supramental jñāna so constituted evidently surpasses the action of the mental reason and we have to see what replaces the reason in the supramental transformation. The thinking mind of man finds its most clear and characteristic satisfaction and its most precise and effective principle of organisation in the reasoning and logical intelligence. It is true that man is not and ...
... though the exact meaning may vary "with the field, the combinations, the character and shades of the colour, the play of forces": red = physical; orange = supramental in the physical; yellow = thinking mind; green = life; blue = higher mind; violet = divine compassion or grace; gold = divine Truth; white = the light of the Mother, or the Divine Consciousness. (See also Agenda IV , May 18, 1963 .) ...
... luminous and assured clarity of the fully expressed spiritual experience. I did not mean to contrast it with the mental clarity which is aimed at usually by poetry in which the intelligence or thinking mind is consulted at every step. The concreteness of intellectually imaged description is one thing and spiritual concreteness another." Now, the Mallarmean poetry does not attain the spiritual ...
... excitement" and would dub the poem meaningless. Sri Aurobindo would not employ the exaggerating term "non-sense": he would say that there is perfect sense but from a depth of our being where the thinking mind loses its grip. By an inner soul-perception, an intuitive consciousness, the passage is to be apprehended. To the outer consciousness it must appear to be what Housman calls it: "poetry with so ...
... its instinctive impulsion and emotional exaltation. Even intellectually it can justify itself without that motive: to do unto others as we would others to do unto us may seem capital sense to the thinking mind. But there are two levels Page 43 of thought - the provisional and pragmatic, the fundamental and philosophic. Although the first level can provide the ethicist with "sensible" ...
... swallowed up and lost In the wide womb of uncreated Night, Devoid of sense and motion? Even where in Shakespeare there is ostensibly a judgment on life, an idea that seems to belong to the thinking mind in its own rights, there is really - as Sri Aurobindo 4 notes - a throw-up from the emotional or sensational being. Sri Aurobindo cites the second half of that drawn-out "thought" from Mac-beth: ...
... who writes as a rule from the plane of vivid thought: no doubt, mystical vision and spiri- Page 184 tual experience grip that plane, yet they assume the form and rhythm of the thinking mind. No bit of poetic excellence is thereby lost: only, the turn of language and the cumulative sound-suggestion are not such as would be found if he wrote directly from planes of consciousness above ...
... Supreme concealed in her, can put us into some kind of touch with that inexpressible Glory and communicate to us a highest Will and its consequence. This cannot be done through the mind; for the thinking mind can only form some inadequate and quite abstract conception of an Absolute or a supreme Person or an impersonal Principle or Presence. And even the higher mind that experiences returns only a pale ...
... in the human world will be the fulfilment of that distant shining promise. The difference between man and superman will be the difference between mind and a consciousness as far beyond it as thinking mind is beyond the consciousness of plant and animal; the differentiating essence of man is mind, the differentiating essence of superman will be supermind or a divine gnosis. Man is a mind imprisoned ...
... out of the Formless—inanimate in appearance; in Matter life manifests unconscious in appearance; in life mind manifests in the animal but instinctive and irrational in appearance; in life-mind thinking mind appears rational but yet self-ignorant in appearance,—for it seeks to know but yet does not know the secret and significance of its own existence. It is not yet undisputed but it is affirmed that ...
... to see The infinite deny infinity. Yet the weird paradox seemed justified; Even mysticism shrank out-mystified. 1 Quoted on p. 30. Page 88 Then we have the thinking mind swiftly and sweepingly powerful as in To the Sea, 1 with its challenge to circumstance from a depth of immense self-awareness—outer infinity defied by the inner infinite. Life's debate with the ...
... Overmind Intuition. 46 Sethna, we conclude, has always tried, under the guidance of his master, to widen the locus of his poetry, pushing its frontiers to regions normally unknown to the thinking mind. When we read his poems with an attitude of spiritual empathy we are amazed to discover that in his best poems: Words have not come to measure things that are; They plunge to ...
... all - in existence - but a constant and relentless becoming. "All being is nothing but becoming." Socrates points out that the unexamined life is not worth living. This is the predicament of the thinking mind. The creative experience creates a present that is relishable , while it grapples with the experience of transience and temporality. Raso vai sah - "Bliss verily is the essence of existence" ...
... at the panorama modern biology opens up with its theory of evolution. From insensitive matter we see the emergence of active vitality. From vitality, with its instincts and desires, we see the thinking mind of man emerge, haunted vaguely by the presence of the entity he feels as his "soul". Breaking through the routine of human rationality — helped by the aspiration of that yague presence — there is ...
... thoughts on them. While reading him deeply, Sethna has tried to understand what Sri Aurobindo would have meant by the words, Classical and Romantic, and in this effort at interpretation Sethna's own thinking mind and vision have created an authentic Sethna-stamp, his own voice, the voice of the creative writer as critic. It is not hard to see the modification of Sri Aurobindo's style and the effort at clarity: ...
... sense, since the experience of Reality is an essentially non-sensory experience. It is a direct intuitive insight that produces an extraordinary sense of awareness without the screening by the thinking mind. Thus, the direct experience of Reality transcends the regions of thought and language, hence all verbal descriptions of Reality are inadequate and incomplete. So also in Science. Einstein's ...
... “Television alienates the mind, shows everyone the same, transmits the ideology of those who produce it, corrupts the imagination of the children, reduces the curiosity of the adults, puts the thinking mind to sleep, is an instrument of political control, dictates the way in which we think, manipulates the information, imposes dominant cultural models (not to say bourgeois models), shows systematically ...
... being as much bound by his own laws as his creatures by their own karma? Pat came his answer the next morning. "As to Philo." he wrote, "the Mother and I have always thought poorly of his thinking mind: he was never able to understand with the mind anything but the orthodox Adwaitic ideas in their most general and popular form. As for his idea of the Divine being bound, being a hostage to law ...
... Supermind, prepare the ground for the divine dynamic play of Supernature (parā prak ṛ ti) and act as "an overtly operative power in the terrestrial workings..., — in the same way in which thinking Mind has been established through the human evolution as an overtly operative power in Life and Matter. This would mean the appearance in the evolution of a gnostic being or Purusha and a gnostic Prakriti ...
... mind and body on the earth marks a crucial step, a decisive change in the course and process of the evolution; it is not merely a continuation of the old lines. Up till this advent of a developed thinking mind in Matter evolution had been effected, not by the self-aware aspiration, intention, will or seeking of the living being, but subconsciously or subliminally by the automatic operation of Nature." ...
... Correspondence with The Mother 24 June 1936 My dear Mother, May H turn herself fully towards You and allow the Force to act on her. May her thinking mind be quiet. The Divine Grace is always with her, but she must open to it and learn to receive it fully. She has not written tonight, and I am sorry for it. I so hope that she will get all right ...
... outer things, as it already has in our hearts. With love, in Truth Vikas Vikas wrote: ..."I am told that She Herself changed Her mind." The Mother never changed her mind. She was beyond thinking mind. She always acted from Above. Vikas has also written about 200 trees. To cut the trees and their branches is against the Mother's wish. The Mother has explained about trees and flowers: ...
... Mother with Letters on The Mother: The Mother's Symbol Sri Aurobindo's letter also indicated the meaning of the colours: Red — Physical Orange — Supramental in the physical Yellow — Thinking Mind Green — Life Blue — Higher Mind Violet — Divine Compassion or Grace White — The Light of the Mother or the Divine Consciousness Gold — Divine Truth On 3.4.56 the Mother asked ...
... German, "Geist," is used indifferently, and of course especially to denote the mind—as in French "esprit" is used very vaguely. So P. suggested we keep the word "Geist" for the mind and qualify it: thinking mind, illuminated mind, etc. But the word "spirit" would still have to be translated, and there is no word for it in German. There exist a few adjectives that derive from the Latin word "spiritus," but ...
... its instinctive impulsion and emotional exaltation. Even intellectually it can justify itself without that motive: to do unto others as we would others to do unto us may seem capital sense to the thinking mind. But there are two levels of thought - the provisional-pragmatic and the fundamental-philosophic. Although the first level can provide the ethicist with "sensible" supports, the second will give ...
... face was of a Goddess. I can only say that it was the face of Maheshwari. Sri Aurobindo has written of this aspect of the Divine Shakti: "Imperial Maheshwari is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with a splendour beyond them. For she is the mighty and wise One who opens us to the supramental infinities and the ...
... aye, we fare As summer-gusts, of sudden birth and doom, Whose sound and motion not alone declare, But are their whole of being!... 3 This is the genuine language of the thinking mind, with actually a Miltonic influence on some of the verbal turns. And yet what is often termed Milton's "organ-voice" is wanting -something in the manner and still more in the rhythm, that makes ...
... experiences, in rhythm and music that is entirely new to English poetry. At last Sri Aurobindo has got the lyric metre in which he can portray his experiences, the external eye being closed and the thinking mind stilled. The condition of the poet in which these poems are written is described in Thought the Paraclete, who is seen by the poet as some bright arch-angle The face Lustred, pale-blue-lined ...
... Page 125 greatest is the union with the Divine and life in the divine consciousness, is the meaning of the integral transformation. Mind is our present topmost faculty; it is through the thinking mind and the heart with the soul, the psychic being behind them that we have to grow into the Spirit, for what the Force first tries to bring about is to fix the mind in the right central idea, faith ...
... creations, structures of speculative thought or manuals of morality and religious injunction. No doubt, they are masterpieces of poetic beauty and sub-limity, embalm enormous audacities of the thinking mind, fountain forth a myriad wisdom of noble living. But, first and foremost, they are scriptures of God-realisation, word-embodiments of mysticism and spirituality, testimonies of union with the Infinite ...
... the original and essential nature of our existence. Here at last there is something centrally true, but in its haste to arrive at it this knowledge assumes that there is nothing between the thinking mind and the Highest, buddheḥ paratastu sa ḥ , and, shutting its eyes in Samadhi, tries to rush through all that actually intervenes without even seeing these great and luminous kingdoms of the Spirit ...
... see Dream-State Tamas. 108, 39, 110-15 passim, changed into ś ama, 118 Tao, 9 Tart, Charles T., 315, 321 Telepathy, 82, 178, 248 cf. Psychical phenomena Thinking mind, see under Mind Trance, yogic, see Samadhi Transcendent (Transcendence), the, 382, 386 Transformation, 394-95 different statuses of, 171 and liberation, 167-69, 394 ...
... throng of fine thought-effects, but not for any clear sum of intellectual vision or to any high power of either ideal or spiritual result." 20 Hamlet who is Shakespeare's closest portrait of the thinking mind is yet all the time a-quiver with the é lan vital. We may not perceive this when he is insufficiently worked up, but the moment his expression gets intense as in When we have shuffled off ...
... force and action. The feeling you had at meditation may have been the sense of the removal of some veil of obscurity covering the mind — the head from the crown to the throat being the seat of the thinking mind. Opening means only to be able to receive the Mother's force. Whether one is open or not is shown by two things. If one is conscious of the force working in one, then one is open. But even if ...
... another's child better than one's own. I don't think it can be said that in all these cases the equal or greater love is an illusion. Where it is an illusion (the cases you quote), it is because the thinking mind has influenced the vital feeling; the stepmother knowing that it is her duty to care for all equally, helped perhaps by a psychic strain in her emotions, comes to believe or imagine (without ...
... Upanishad states, "When It is known by perception that reflects It, then one has the thought of It, for one finds immortality ........ 16 The light of the Supreme takes possession of the thinking mind, His power and joy of the life, His light and rapture of the emotional mind and the senses. Something of the Supreme that is imaged of the Brahman falls upon the world- nature and changes it into ...
... and Joy of something which is beyond themselves- What happens then is that the divine Unnameable reflects Himself openly in the gods. 48 His light Page 31 takes possession of the thinking mind. His power and joy of the life, His light and rapture of the emotional mind and the senses. Something of the Supreme image of the Brahman falls upon the world-nature and changes it into divine nature ...
... of conscious existence to a new power and a new range of subtle activities; whereas in the higher animal, mind is limited to the vital existence, the human mentality rises up to reflecting and thinking mind; there is developed a higher power of conservation and invention; there is consciousness of process and result; there is also a force of imagination and aesthetic creation, a higher more plastic ...
... these possible obstructions are well-known: (1) the insistent outward-darting action of the physical senses; (2) the turbidity and restlessness of vital desires; (3) the agitated activity of the thinking mind; (4) pronounced Page 20 preferences and antipathies for and against anyone or anything, etc. In the presence of any such or similar obstruction, the sight or vision ...
... goods on all occasions. For the outer life-self is a very crafty opponent which is not concerned so much with knowledge as with self-affirmation, desire and ego. It attempts always to make the thinking mind its tool and servant which in its turn supports the vital' s urge to self-affirmation and justifies its deviant impulses and actions. A mere mental will will not be able to see through the game ...
... flew and called between the earth and sky, Hunted by death but hoping still to live And glad to breathe if only for a while. Then man was moulded from the original brute. A thinking mind had come to lift life's moods, A keen-edged tool of a Nature mixed and vague, An intelligence half-witness, half-machine. An opening looked up to spheres above And coloured ...
... recorded on the thresh old of our surface consciousness - we somehow remember as imperfect and interpretative dreams of our night. We must carefully note in this connection that it is not our thinking mind that sees dreams and is conscious in a rather incoherent way in sleep. No, if the waking mind were active in the body, one would not be able to sleep. Sleep and waking are deter-mined by the mind's ...
... and mind on the earth marks a crucial step, a decisive change in the course and process of the evolution; it is not merely a continuation of the old lines. Up till this advent of a developed thinking mind in Matter, evolution had been effected not by the self-aware aspiration, intention, will or seeking of the living being, but subconsciously or subliminally by the automatic operation of Nature ...
... the last-named does not coincide with the whole physical consciousness but is only a part of it. Page 21 When the working is on the physical direct, not through the thinking mind or vital level, one cannot see the results without being aware of their process. That happens also in the earlier progress of the sadhana before the inner mind is awake. When ...
... year 1934 Listening to the Mother's music I felt something descending into me. Up to the neck the descent was concretely experienced. Up to the neck means in the whole thinking mind, but not lower. What part does the spine play in connection with the centres? The spine is the support of the centres, and it is through the spine that in the Tantric sadhana ...
... contraries /Locking like lovers in a forbidden embrace", all blunder and struggle "towards the one Divine". Perversion of both mind and heart is possible: A crooked maze they made of thinking mind, They suffered a metamorphosis of the heart, Admitting bacchant revellers from the Night Into its sanctuary of delights, As in a Dionysian masquerade. 42 Page 215 ...
... mental being of man you will find that there is what may be called the pure mental part of it, which is high above the head and communicates through the brain with the physical life. It is the – "thinking mind". It is concerned chiefly with reasoning, creations of mental forms and the activity of the mental will. Then there are the emotions and sensations which are not really mental in their origin ...
... unaccomplished. Disciple : When the Mind is transformed by the action of the Higher Power what are the changes that take place in the Mind? Sri Aurobindo ; Which part of the mind ? The thinking mind ? Disciple : Yes. Sri Aurobindo : The reasonings and the fanciful constructions of the mind cease : there remains only a play of intuitions. Disciple ; Does not reason remain ...
... solid experience of this kind will there be any trace of the mind's existence? That depends on the experience. It is usually had on the spiritual mental plane. There may be no active thinking mind, but the stuff of consciousness is still mental, even though it may be mind spiritual and liberated. Of course there may be the sense of pure spiritual existence, but that comes less easily. ...
... members of its phenomenal nature, and tries to turn them towards the Divine. It may try at first to convert the intellect and the "larger mind of insight and intuitional intelligence", but the thinking mind, as soon as it undergoes a spiritual influence, seems almost always to betray a tendency to drift towards the abstract, the Impersonal, the Immutable. A better and more dynamically effective approach ...
... you describe it seems that you have got into contact with the mechanical mind whose nature is to go on turning round in a circle on the thoughts that come into it. This sometimes happens when the thinking mind is quiet. This is part of the physical mind and you should not be disturbed or alarmed by its rising up but see what it is and quiet it down, or get control of its movements. The one serious difficulty ...
... s. But there was the outer mind, vital and physical that brought in their mixture of desire and ego and there could be no effective liberation in life and action till these were liberated. The thinking mind and higher vital can accept without too much difficulty, but the difficulty is with the lower vital and physical and especially with the most external parts of them, for these are entirely creatures ...
... Indeed, except perhaps for two or three, there was a real dearth of 'refined,' that is, clear-thinking minds in the Ashram. Yet, time and again, Sri Aurobindo laid stress on this quality. "One of the most fundamental requisites for the search of the Truth," he declared, "is a critical reason, almost a cynical mind which tears off the mask and refuses to accept current ideas, thoughts and opinions. It is... lack of mental qualities in the Ashram children. "These children don't understand Sri Aurobindo's irony," she told Satprem. "Happily, on this point of humour, there was a meeting of Sri Aurobindo's mind and mine," she said. "They read prosaically," she moved her palm in the air in a gesture of superficiality. "Strangely enough, it's the same phenomenon when they read Anatole France. 1 And Anatole... is a kind of solvent. Man must have the courage to see the Truth as it is without any deception about it. Shaw 1 has got that critical mind to a great extent and we find the same in Anatole France." And here is Sri Aurobindo on Anatole France. Dilip Kumar Roy once sent Sri Aurobindo a quotation from Anatole France's Les Dieux ont soif (The Gods Are Thirsty): "Either God would prevent evil ...
... self-deceit. Either the Veda is what Sayana says it is, and then we have to leave it behind for ever as the document of a mythology and ritual which have no longer any living truth or force for thinking minds, or it is what the European scholars say it is, and then we have to put it away among the relics of the past as an antique record of semi-barbarous worship; or else it is indeed Veda, a book of... that it is fantastic and unacceptable to the critical reason, to his teaching of a revealed Page 668 Scripture that the very idea is a rejected superstition impossible for any enlightened mind to admit or to announce sincerely. I will not now examine the solidity of Dayananda's interpretation of Vedic texts, nor anticipate the verdict of the future on his commentary, nor discuss his theory... shall only state the broad principles underlying his thought about the Veda as they present themselves to me. For in the action and thought of a great soul or a great personality the vital thing to my mind is not the form he gave to it, but in his action the helpful power he put forth and in his thought the helpful truth he has added or, it may be, restored to the yet all too scanty stock of our human ...
... all this obscurity and change it. It is of course the physical consciousness that always came in with this ignorance, and the physical consciousness is stupid and obscure—even in men whose thinking minds are wise or at least intelligent. It is only by the Light from above that it can be illumined. It is always in the Peace and Power, which bring more and more that light, that you must take refuge... there. The realisation in the mind of the One brings or ought to bring a certain freedom in the mind, but it is possible for the vital and the body under its impulse to go on having the ordinary movements—for they depend only partially on the mind for their action. They can even carry it away, haranti prasabhaṁ manaḥ , or they can act in spite of the mind's reasoning and disapprobation. "I see... externalising mind or physical mental. Your difficulties are likely to cease only when you bring down the peace and wideness into the whole body or at any rate feel its effects there. If the whole mind admits the higher consciousness, that will be a definite step towards this. In dealing with the physical and subconscient the working is always slower than when it acts on the mind and vital because ...
... rigorous discipline of the mind but a surrender of mental faculties and a living in a sea of emotional experience. The experience may lead occasionally to some insight into inner and less obvious processes, but it is also likely to lead to self-delusion. Metaphysics and philosophy, or a metaphysical philosophy, have a greater appeal to the mind. They require hard thinking and the application of logic... been so hesitant. There was a definiteness about my thinking and objectives then which has faded away since. The events of the past few years in India, China, Europe, and all over the world have been confusing, upsetting and distressing, and the future has become vague and shadowy and has lost that clearness of outline which it once possessed in my mind. This doubt and difficulty about fundamental... energy and self-confidence I Page 269 possessed increased that feeling of optimism. A kind of vague humanism appealed to me. Religion, as I saw it practised, and accepted even by thinking minds, whether it was Hinduism or Islam or Buddhism or Christianity, did not attract me. It seemed to be closely associated with superstitious practices and dogmatic beliefs, and behind it lay a method ...
... Vacher de Lapouge, despite being a Frenchman, had a profound influence on the German racist thought and literature of the time. He wrote: “As soon as The Origin of Species was published, the clear-thinking minds understood that not only those ideas about history and the evolution of our societies, but the foundations of morality and politics could no longer remain what they had been until then.” 12 ... ns there were few and they lived mainly on reservations; African-American there were many and you found them not only in the South but more and more everywhere. Racists – the whole Western way of thinking was Eurocentric and to a high degree racist in those heydays of colonialism – placed the Negro not much higher than the primates in the tree of life; to eugenicists he was a nuisance and a threat... which is rather surprising, for the famous Herr Professor Haeckel was a super-nationalistic Pan-German. That some of the Anglo-Saxons were then at the peak of their colonial expansion, might be kept in mind. (And all this explains Charles Darwin’s satisfaction when the Beagle dropped anchor in Sidney: “My first feeling was to congratulate myself that I was born an Englishman.”) “By formulating the principle ...
... exercises a secret intuitive initiation of our activities which is received and represented imperfectly by our outer mind and converted into the movements of the ignorance in the external action of these parts of our nature. The heart or emotional centre of the thinking desire mind is the strongest in the ordinary man, gathers up or at least affects the presentation of things to the consciousness and... Divinity above the mind and to receive all by a sort of descent from above, a descent of which we become not only spiritually but physically conscious. The siddhi or full accomplishment of this movement can only come when we are able to lift the centre of thought and conscious action above the physical brain and feel it going on in the subtle body. If we can feel ourselves thinking no longer with the... substance of concentrated light, concentrated power, concentrated joy of the light and the power and that direct accuracy which are the marks of a true intuitive thinking. It is not only primary suggestions or rapid conclusions that this mind will give, but it will conduct too with the same light, power, joy of sureness and direct spontaneous seeing of the truth the connecting and developing operations ...
... of the mind-Nature. But since the mental being is capable of receiving the gnosis in a way in which the life soul and physical soul cannot receive it, since he can accept it with knowledge though only the limited knowledge of a mental response, he may to a certain extent govern by its light his outer action or, if not that, at least bathe and purify in it his will and his thinkings. But Mind can arrive... us and an unregulated dynamic possession by the physical and the vital Nature without us. The mind soul and mind consciousness in man, manomaya puruṣa , can in the same direct way reflect and enter into Sachchidananda by a reflection of the Soul as it mirrors itself in the nature of pure universal mind luminous, unwalled, happy, plastic, illimitable, or by absorption in the vast free unconditioned... successively or at once. Or he may transform the lower forms into manifestations of the higher state; he may draw upward the childlikeness or the inert irresponsibility of the free physical mind or the free vital mind's divine madness and carelessness of all rules, proprieties, harmonies and colour or disguise with them the ecstasy of the saint or the solitary liberty of the wandering eremite. Here again ...
... anointed with the shining ghee is in symbol the fullness of the mind clarified & purified, continuously bright & just in its activity, without flaw or crevice, richly bright of surface & therefore receiving without distortion the messages of the ideal faculty? It is in this clear, pure & rightly ordered state of his thinking & emotional mind that man gets the first taste of the immortal life to which he... the heaven of the pure mind of which he speaks; beyond, on its other shore, are the gates divine, the higher heaven, the realms of immortality. [B] Chapter III Varuna & Mitra, the two great Vedic Twins, meet us in their united activity in the first crucial passage of the Veda informed with the clear & unmistakable idea of the Ritam which so largely dominates the thinking of the Vedic sages. Varuna... , “for your eating”, and by myself, following my hypothesis, in the psychological sense conceded by Sayana in a number of other passages; dhíti means literally holding & usually holding in the mind, thinking; it expresses then the fixed action of dhí, the thought faculty. Otherwise the only difficulty is in the word toka which the ritualistic commentators interpret invariably in the sense of son, putra ...
... their expectations and is unintelligible to them. The thought of the Arya demands close thinking from the reader; it does not spare him the trouble of thinking and understanding and the minds of the people have long been accustomed to have the trouble of thought spared them. They know how to indulge their minds, they have forgotten how to exercise them____ Soon after the Arya began, I got a... so rapidly on the popular mind? Where else could the songs of a Tukaram, a Ramprasad, a Kabir, the Sikh Gurus and the chants of the Tamil saints with their fervid devotion but also their profound spiritual thinking have found so speedy an echo and formed a popular religious literature? This strong permeation or close nearness of the spiritual turn, this readiness of the mind of a whole nation to turn... 1916 Either the Veda is what Sayana says it is, and then we have to leave it behind for ever as the document of a mythology and ritual which have no longer any living truth or force for thinking minds, or it is what the European scholars say it is, and then we have to put it away among the relics of the past as an antique record of semi-barbarous worship; or else it is indeed Veda, a book of ...
... this mistake with the result that the educatee develops in himself a mechanical or stereotyped mode of thinking, a mind like that of a parrot, and, therefore, fails to see what to do when he is confronted with a new, or tricky, problem in his private or public life. Instead of improving his thinking ability, re-educating himself in life's real situations, he becomes, again due to his faulty earlier education... Unwin. (Major statement of his early view, progressively modified in later works). 17.Siegel, E. (1988) Educating Reason: Rationality, Critical Thinking and Education, New York: Routledge (Referred to in 3. An important account of critical thinking as a goal of education). * * * Page 58 FOUNDATIONS OF VALUE-ORIENTED EDUCATION M.K. KAW The current debate... duramudaiti daivarh tadu suptasya tathaivaiti/ dūrarigamam jyotisārh jyotirekarh tanme manah śivasarikalpamastu// "The mind, irrespective of whether one is awake or asleep, travels to far distant corners; this far distant-moving mind is the light of lights. May that mind of mine be filled with Good will." * * * Page 39 A MODEST PROPOSAL FOR RESTORING TO EDUCATION ...