Essays on the Gita [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Hitler and his God [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Nachiketas [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Life Divine [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
Essays on the Gita [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Hitler and his God [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Nachiketas [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Life Divine [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
... existent.” 929 The evolutionary cycle of which we are a part takes place within That, its origin, essence and destiny. As there is no end to That, there is no end to its manifestations, the cosmic cycles and their extinctions. It is also self-evident that, where there is evolution, there must have been a previous involution. “Nothing can evolve out of Matter which is not already therein contained ...
... withdrawn into pure infinite Being and can again be manifested out of it. The infolding and unfolding of the One in the Many and the Many in the One is therefore the law of the eternally recurrent cosmic Cycles. THE VISION OF THE BRAHMAN The Upanishad teaches us how to perceive Brahman in the universe and in our self-existence. We have to perceive Brahman comprehensively as both the Stable and ...
... transient and painful condition of our mortal being. And the Gita here, in order to make more precise to the mind this circling round of births and the escape from it, adopts the ancient theory of the cosmic cycles which became a fixed part of Indian cosmological notions. There is an eternal cycle of alternating periods of cosmic manifestation and non-manifestation, each period called respectively a day and ...
... other? Well, perhaps; for he has seen the shadow of God and clutched at it. 396 If we wish to remedy this Imbalance – for everything that lacks balance in our bodies, our societies, or our cosmic cycles eventually perishes – we must become lucid. We have lost the Password; such is the bottom line of our era. We have replaced true power with devices, and true wisdom with dogmas. This is the reign ...
... whether the biological phenomenon described is really a symbol and a cloak for another order of reality, and even taking it at its face value, what is to be noted here is the idea of a cosmic cycle, and a cosmic cycle that proceeds through the principle of sacrific. If it is asked what there is wonderful or particularly spiritual in this rather naif description of a very commonplace happening that... in the Upanishads, the answer is that it is wonderful to see how the Upanishadic Rishi takes from an event its local, temporal and personal colour and incorporates it in a global movement, a cosmic cycle, as a limb of the Universal Brahman. The Upanishads contain passages which a puritanical mentality may perhaps describe as 'pornographic' ; these have in fact been put by some on the Index e... convey and express primarily. Now this is what is sought to be conveyed and expressed. The five movements of the sun here also are nothing but the five samas and they refer to the cycle of the Cosmic or Universal Brahman. The sixth status where all movements cease, where there is no rising and setting, no ebb and flow, no waxing and waning, where there is the immutable, the ever-same unity ...
... conditions than the supracosmic, in cosmic being, and to find its heaven of joy and light even in the oppositions offered by the terms of an embodied material existence, by struggle therefore towards the joy of self-discovery, would seem to be the true object of the birth of the soul in the human body and of the labour of the human race in the series of its cycles. The Ignorance is a necessary, though... of the soul is stated by Sri Aurobindo as follows: "Not to return as speedily as may be to heavens where perfect light and joy are eternal or to the supracosmic bliss is the object of this cosmic cycle, nor merely to repeat a purposeless round in a long unsatisfactory groove of ignorance seeking for knowledge and never finding it perfectly, — in that case the ignorance would be either an inexplicable... experiences of the soul, the delegate of the Jivatman in evolution, it is discovered that the purpose for which the exclusive concentration of consciousness has resulted in ignorance is to trace the cycle of self-oblivion and self-discovery. Sri Aurobindo points out that it is to find himself in the apparent opposites of his being and his nature that Sachchidananda descends into the material Nescience ...
... whether the biological phenomenon described is really a symbol and a cloak for another order of reality, and even taking it at its face value, what is to be noted here is the idea of a cosmic cycle, and a cosmic cycle that proceeds through the principle of sacrifice. If it is asked what there is wonderful or particularly spiritual in this rather naïf description of a very commonplace happening that... place in the Upanishads, the answer is that it is wonderful to see how the Upanishadic Rishi takes from an event its local, temporal and personal colour and incorporates it in a global movement, a cosmic cycle, as a limb of the Universal Brahman. The Upanishads contain passages which a puritanical mentality may perhaps describe as 'pornographic'; these have in fact been put by some on the Index expurgatorius... seeks to convey and express primarily. Now this is what is sought to be conveyed and expressed. The five movements of the sun here also are nothing but the five sāmas and they refer to the cycle of the Cosmic or Universal Brahman. The sixth status where all movements cease, where there is no rising and setting, no ebb and flow, no waxing and waning, where there is the immutable, the ever-same unity ...
... downward. No words can describe this marvel. All that we might simply say is that an axe cannot hew this cosmic tree, nor can fire burn it. Does not the sun shine at a great height in heaven and yet scatter abroad in all directions the network of its rays? The way the Flood at the end of a cosmic cycle, pralaya , inundates everything, so has this tree occupied the entire creation. If you are looking for... Wager of Ambrosia Chapter 6 The Tree of Cosmic Existence T he fifteenth chapter of the Gita begins with a description of the astounding tree of cosmic existence, having its roots in the infinite above and its thousand branches plunging and spreading here around. But it is not possible for us to know the true nature of this strange Ashwattha tree... spiritual experience entirely invalid. The first few shlokas of this chapter of the Gita can very easily lend themselves to such a possible point of view or explanation of this cosmic tree of existence. The branches of this cosmic tree extend both below and above (below in the material, above in the supraphysical planes), they grow by the gunas of Nature; the sensible objects are its foliage, downward ...
... 3 The age of Kali (or Kali Yuga): According to the Indian tradition, this is the era we live in now. It is the last of the four Yugas, or Ages, which form a cosmic cycle. This fourth Age is a Dark Age, after which a new cycle will start again, with a Golden Age or Satya Yuga. 4. Alwars: Twelve poet Bhaktas of Tamil Nadu, who lived in the second half of the first millenium AD, and composed ...
... this cosmic cycle, nor merely to repeat a purposeless round in a long unsatisfactory groove of ignorance seeking for knowledge and never finding it perfectly, in that case the ignorance would be either an inexplicable blunder of the All conscient or a painful and purposeless Necessity equally inexplicable, but to realise the Ananda of the Self in other conditions than the supracosmic, in cosmic being... Life and Mind T hat purpose for which all this exclusive concentration we call the Ignorance is necessary, is to trace the cycle of self oblivion and self discovery for the joy of which the Ignorance is assumed in Nature by the secret spirit. It is not that all cosmic manifestation would otherwise become impossible; but it would be a quite different manifestation from the one in which we live;... existence, by struggle therefore towards the joy of self discovery, would seem to be the true object of the birth of the soul in the human body and of the labour of the human race in the series of its cycles. The Ignorance is a necessary, though quite subordinate term which the universal Knowledge has imposed on itself that that movement might be possible, not a blunder and a fall, but a purposeful descent ...
... this cosmic cycle, nor merely to repeat a purposeless round in a long unsatisfactory groove of ignorance seeking for knowledge and never finding it perfectly,—in that case the ignorance would be either an inexplicable blunder of the All-conscient or a painful and purposeless Necessity equally inexplicable,—but to realise the Ananda of the Self in other conditions than the supracosmic, in cosmic being... for his purpose. That purpose for which all this exclusive concentration we call the Ignorance is necessary, is to trace the cycle of self-oblivion and self-discovery for the joy of which the Ignorance is assumed in Nature by the secret spirit. It is not that all cosmic manifestation would otherwise become impossible; but it would be a quite different manifestation from the one in which we live;... existence, by struggle therefore towards the joy of self-discovery, would seem to be the true object of the birth of the soul in the human body and of the labour of the human race in the series of its cycles. The Ignorance is a necessary, though quite subordinate term which the universal Knowledge has imposed on itself that that movement might be possible,—not a blunder and a fall, but a purposeful descent ...
... conditions than the supracosmic, in cosmic being, and to find its heaven of joy and light even in the oppositions offered by the terms of an embodied material existence, by struggle therefore towards the joy of self-discovery, would seem to be the true object of the birth of the soul in the human body and of the labour of the human race in the series of its cycles. The Page 48 Ignorance... Aurobindo points out: "That purpose for which all this exclusive concentration we call the Ignorance is necessary, is to trace the cycle of self-oblivion and self-discovery for the joy of which the Ignorance is assumed in Nature by the secret spirit. It is not that all cosmic manifestation would otherwise become impossible; but it would be a quite different manifestation from the one in which we live;... live; ... Not to return as speedily as may be to heavens where perfect light and joy are eternal or to the supracosmic bliss is the object of this cosmic cycle, nor merely to repeat a purposeless round in a long unsatisfactory groove of ignorance seeking for knowledge and never finding it perfectly, — in that case the ignorance would be either an inexplicable blunder of the All-conscient or a painful and ...