Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6
- The Mother - The Nature of Her Work
- Gods and Men
- The Double Ladder
- On the Brink
- The Ashram, the World and the Individual
- The Golden Chain
- Observations
- A Note On The Mother of Dreams
- Notes on Savitri
- Vision of Dante
- An Italian stanza
- Hymn to dawn
- Songs of Ramprasad
- In love with darkness
- Hymn to darkness
- Forward
- Tears of grief
- Thy grace
- Children song
- Wherefore this hurry
- Ego
- Agni
- Vedic Hymns
- Other Hymns and Prayers
- Padavali
- Ramprasad
- Rabindranath Tagore
- Modern Poets
- Ashram Poets
- Dhammapada
- Charyapada
- The Golden Harvest
- The Human Touch Divine
- The Great Holocaust
- A Vision
- In Her Company
- Supplementary Observations
- An Impression
- Le Periple D'or
GRACE is the Divine made earthly and human. And that is our Mother.
The Mother's body was not meant to give us, to make a gift to us of a transformed human body, for our contemplation, our delectation. It had a more serious purpose.
It was to furnish the material stuff for the manifestation, the incarnation of the subtle Divine body preparing behind.
. Humanity in its present embodied manifestation cannot be immediately changed, transmuted into the supramental body. That body must descend or reveal itself or clothe itself with a new material substance. That new material substance was being prepared in the Mother's body which was the workshop, as it were, for the Divine body.
She has been building in this way not only a personal body of her own, the new Divine body, but also a 'generic' body for humanity at large out of which other personal bodies may be precipitated into the material forms of the material world - the two forming but one indivisible act.
The body that is being divinised can never suffer deterioration, neither in respect of its substance nor of its functionings.
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There can only be a re-orientation or transforming of the cells and of their functions.
Medicine in Mother's body is not for changing the body - helping its metabolism, but for the body to change the medicines so that these may acquire new properties. Indeed all that her body takes in, even as food, tends to undergo this divine chemical change. This forms another line of the process of transformation of Matter.
The Mind has been set aside, the vital withdrawn: the intermediary worlds do no longer interfere. The mere Matter, the Body, is now face to face with the Supramental (the Supreme).
One can be in contact with Her only through one's soul: even then the soul under the light or influence of the supramental has to refound or recreate its instruments once more – in the mind and vital the and the body – to be able to manifest and incarnate the new supramental revelation.
Mother's response to a prayer:
"I am always with you I shall never fail you in prosperity or in adversity, even when you sink I am with you I sink with you: I do not stand on the shore and merely look at you from a distance. I sink with you, I am in you: for I am you."
Keep your temperament always equal and happy: your
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consciousness will taste sweet to the Mother. Else, if you have a wry and embittered temperament, the consciousness will naturally taste bitter to the Mother.
Do not look with greedy eyes upon what others possess, if you do not want to lose even that which you possess.
Reduce the whole consciousness to the zero-point to the zero of consciousness, not the zero of unconsciousness. Then only the positive term, the Divine Consciousness, will begin to form.
The Divine Force does not act in vacuo. Here it acts in the midst of teeming ignorances: so the net result is at best half and half which is the present world.
The lesser half must know how to integralise itself in order that the Fullness may be full here below.
At a point one must go beyond strivings.
Do not strive or struggle, there must be no tension or tautness, it should be all relaxation.
Tranquillise yourself. Allow the Other to take your own
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place. Leave it all to That.
This too is not achieved but simply happens – through the Grace.
"Wherever you see hope, faith, courage, trust and tranquillity, there you will see Me."
Good rarely becomes better, bad easily becomes worse. Facile descensus Arno.
Suffering is the ransom paid by the Spirit for Nature's Ignorance.
Of all beings man is the most suffering. Animal's is the physical suffering alone while man has a threefold suffering: (I) physical (adhibhautika), (2) psychological (adhidaivika), (3) spiritual (aidhyatmika) – the spiritual suffering is the most painful.
Face the difficulty that is come to you, face it at once without delay. Try to resolve it then and there. If you avoid it, set it aside, it will come back to you with an inexorable insistence and a power infinitely greater. The difficulty will be much more difficult and the solution infinitely more painful.
Chastity (in woman particularly) does not mean faithfulness to one person (as it is generally supposed in India). It
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is not a physical act but an inner condition. Even as tapasya does not mean physical austerities, it is a mode of being, a movement of the consciousness.
Chastity is freedom from the physical and vital obsession, a natural and spontaneous self-control, in a pure ingathered steadiness.
The behaviour of others towards you will be correct in so far as your behaviour towards them is correct.
You cannot change the opinion of people by a counter opinion, you have to change it by a counter-fact.
Learn to' encircle your pain with the golden ring of a smile.
Bad thoughts act always instantaneously and the effects tend to become as bad as possible. Good thoughts remain inoperative, almost barren, even like the beautiful and ineffectual angel spoken of by Mathew Arnold, beating in the void his luminous wings in vain.
For good thoughts seldom have a vital basis, they are merely mental. While bad thoughts have this basis; indeed, they spring from that source.
The height and the depth are of equal measure; they have the same distance to travel, only the direction is different. In mathematical jargon, the tensor is the same, the vector different.
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If you fall to any depth, you can rise to the same height.
God has fallen from the Supreme Consciousness down into the abyss of inconscience: he is rising to the same peak with a new victory.
The destiny of man is governed and worked out by a Power beyond human calculation. That Power is dynamic today to a degree unknown heretofore. We have only to give ourselves up in the hands of that Power, allow it to act in us and around us - recognise its action and be grateful to the Divine Providence. That is the only way to deliverance out of this present turmoil. In that way lies our utmost happiness and the supreme achievement.
There is a core of tears in mortal things, said a Roman poet. There is a core of immortality in mortal things, says an Indian Rishi.
There is so much pain and suffering in the world. How can the world bear it? Because there is a perennial spring of delight behind. Each moment's pain is being washed away each moment by the upsurge of the healing waters of delight.
Do not say: "The load is too heavy for me"; say rather: "I have not yet learnt the way how to bear it."
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Moral idealism has not the necessary effective power. What is required is the Truth of the Spirit.
It is no longer the Age of Reason. That age has passed: it is dead and gone. One should be ashamed now of professing scepticism, agnosticism as the hallmark of culture and enlightenment or the aristocracy of the intellect. This is the age of the luminous faith and vision – the age of the Third Eye.
Falsehood is not the negation of Truth: it is the imitation of Truth, aping the Truth: it is the caricature of Truth.
The World is false not because it is non-existent, but because it exists in a wrong form. It is Maya, where the rope is taken for a snake.
Falsehood is Truth distorted (Vrjinam) – it is Truth but the life taken out of it, it is dead Truth and a wrong life put into it, it becomes Evil Truth.
Do not criticise, unless you know how to remedy the error you criticise.
Whenever there is an impulse in you to speak of the dark side of a thing, halt then and there, hold back and try to find the bright side, the complementary aspect – there is always a golden line edging the darkest cloud.
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Kindle not the Flame with the wet faggot of desire-energy. It evokes more smoke than light. Seek the Pure Consciousness abiding behind; that alone can bring out the pure light and strongest energy.
Any affirmation made by the mind and the senses as they are at present constituted must be suspected: it is bound to be altogether wrong or very partial and inadequate. Observe and wait for it to pass through the crucible of later experiences - invoking all the while the higher light to descend and intervene.
It is much easier to counter the bad will of the enemy than to butt the good will of the friends.
But the Divine knows how to circumvent all and turn everything to His own use in whatever guise it may appear.
If the Knowledge is not supported by the Will, the Know ledge also gets veiled gradually.
Likewise the Will too gets unsteady if it has not the light of Knowledge in it.
Both together form the twin Ashwins of the Veda who draw safely the chariot of the perfect human adhara.
Modern Knowledge speaks even of anti-matter which is the basis or beginning of a new creation of matter.
With the dissolution all around of the existing things, are we at that momentous critical point when the past fades
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into oblivion ushering in a new dawn of creation – turning the world as it were on a reverse gear?
A Power, a Presence has come down near to us upon earth and is moulding infallibly the earth-substance into something which it has been always aspiring for but has never attained till now in an appreciable degree. Today the possibility is an actuality before us.
We have assembled here so that each individual contributing his mite of sincerity and efficiency, a combined endeavour may create a wide and secure opening for the new Power and Presence to come to its own and possess a home in the material life here below.
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