White Roses
White Roses – messages of value to all seekers, collected from the Mother’s many letters to Huta. (Mother once told her ‘I have never written so many letters to anyone as I have to you’ and Huta once told me that in all she had received over 8000 letters and cards from the Mother.) The Mother wished White Roses to be translated into many languages and made available all over the world.
27 May 1963
I wrote that it was not a question of wrong and right, because it is only the Lord Who can know what is truly wrong and what is truly right.
Upon this earth, each being and especially each Ego is convinced that it is right and takes its desires for the truth.
But for me who can see and know, who am aware of the truth of things, if I did what your ego wants me to do, I would be a traitor to your soul and to my promise to deliver you from your ego. This I cannot be, even if, in your unconsciousness, you get displeased.
I had written that much when I received your letter and your questions. Some are already answered by what I have previously written.
You say, "the Ego and the physical consciousness are not me." It is your soul, who can say that in truth. Certainly your soul is not the ego and the physical consciousness; but the mental, the vital and the physical beings have been formed by the ego and it is through the ego that they express themselves, it is through the ego that they get in contact with the others and react to these contacts. This is the difficulty, this is why it is almost impossible to get rid of the ego without a Divine intervention.
This which is an absolute and true fact can give you the measure of the mixing of the ego in your consciousness. The ego cannot be destroyed, but it can be overcome by a constant and complete separation. This is the necessary preparation I spoke of. The Supreme does not work by tricks and magic, because they are not true—The Supreme does not obey the individual desires, because in that case He would be a slave and not the Lord.
He says this will be done under these conditions. And what He says is done.
Now to make you fully understand, I shall explain something more. All the elements of the human consciousness which gather and organize themselves around the soul form, through thousands of lives, the psychic being. This psychic being, when well constituted, becomes the conscious intermediary between the soul, the psychic being and the mental, vital and physical beings.
When the psychic being gets the liberation, it feels the ego and the physical consciousness, merely as movements of the universal Nature outside itself, quite foreign to itself; and these movements can no more affect the psychic being in any way.