White Roses
White Roses – messages of value to all seekers, collected from the Mother’s many letters to Huta. (Mother once told her ‘I have never written so many letters to anyone as I have to you’ and Huta once told me that in all she had received over 8000 letters and cards from the Mother.) The Mother wished White Roses to be translated into many languages and made available all over the world.
21 December 1960
Death is not the solution, far from it, Death is a clumsy and mechanical return to the endless round of existences, and what you have not achieved in one life, you have to do in the second, generally in much more difficult circumstances.
There is only one way of getting free from life altogether, it is to go to Nirvana; and this can be obtained only by a very strict tapasya of complete detachment.
There is also another and more simple way of getting out of trouble, it is to take refuge in the Divine's love.