The Spirit of Auroville
The Mother : Contact Auroville
Huta had a strong connection with Auroville – a letter of hers to the Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir, the Mother’s Shrine; and it was to Huta that the Mother first explained, with sketches, her concept for the town-plan of Auroville. In 1966 Huta produced the painting which the Mother named ‘The Spirit of Auroville.’ All this is told in her books 'Matrimandir the Mother’s Truth and Love' and 'The Spirit of Auroville'.
- Preface
- 1964?
- 13 June 1964
- August 1964
- 16 November 1964
- 10 June 1965
- 18 June 1965
- 19 June 1965
- 21 June 1965
- 23 June 1965
- 23 June 1965
- 25 June 1965
- Undated?
- 16 July 1965
- 08 August 1965
- 09 August 1965
- 01 September 1965
- 1966?
- 24 March 1966
- 1966?
- 07 September 1965
- 08 September 1965
- 28 November 1965
- 24 July 1965
- 10 October 1965
- 24 December 1965
- 29 December 1965
- Undated?
- 06 February 1966
- 20 February 1966
- Undated?
- 10 January 1970
- 25 February 1966
- 01 March 1966
- 02 September 1966
- 04 March 1966
- 07 March 1966
- 08 March 1966
- 09 March 1966
- 10 March 1966
- 11 March 1966
- 10 March 1966
- 12 March 1966
- 14 March 1966
- Undated?
- 19 March 1966
- 19 July 1968
- 18 April 1966
- 20 May 1966
- 17 August 1966
- 24 September 1966
- 1966?
- 01 November 1966
- 14 December 1966
- 1967?
- 16 March 1967
- 16 March 1967
- 19 June 1967
- 07 September 1967
- 11 September 1967
- 03 October 1967
- 15 November 1967
- 01 January 1968
- 23 January 1968
- 12 February 1968
- 16 February 1968
- 21 February 1968
- 16 February 1968
- 28 February 1968
- 28 February 1968
- 29 February 1968
- June 1968
- 16 June 1968
- 28 June 1968
- 11 July 1968
- 17 October 1968
- 05 November 1968
- 28 February 1969
- 01 January 1969
- 01 January 1969
- 09 January 1969
- 14 February 1969
- Undated?
- 20 September 1968
- 17 October 1969
- 08 November 1969
- 26 December 1969
- 26 December 1969
- January 1970
- Undated?
- Undated?
- 28 March 1970
- 28 March 1970
- 14 April 1970
- May 1970
- Undated?
- 14 August 1970
- September 1970
- 15 November 1970
- Undated?
- 15 December 1970
- 1971?
- 12 February 1971
- 21 February 1971
- 14 March 1971
- 24 March 1971
- 27 September 1971
- 27 March 1971
- 24 August 1971
- 26 September 1971
- 29 September 1971
- Undated?
- 05 October 1971
- 06 October 1971
- Undated?
- 03 November 1971
- 05 November 1971
- 06 November 1971
- 12 November 1971
- 05 December 1971
- 25 December 1971
- 1972?
- 15 August 1972
- Undated?
- 01 January 1972
- 30 January 1972
- 01 February 1972
- 21 February 1972
- 25 February 1972
- 29 February 1972
- 12 March 1972
- 30 March 1972
- 02 April 1972
- 23 March 1972
- 03 May 1972
- 05 May 1972
- 12 May 1972
- 04 July 1972
- 07 July 1972
- 10 July 1972
- 13 July 1972
- 06 March 1971
- 12 July 1972
- Undated?
- 17 July 1972
- 21 July 1972
- 25 July 1972
- 26 July 1972
- 27 July 1972
- 29 July 1972
- 15 August 1972
- 01 April 1972
- 14 September 1972
- 09 September 1972
- 24 October 1972
- 30 October 1972
- 31 October 1972
- 03 November 1972
- 04 November 1972
- 14 November 1972
- 24 November 1972
- 26 November 1972
- 26 November 1972
- 01 December 1972
- 07 December 1972
- 08 March 1972
- 19 December 1972
- 22 December 1972
- 28 December 1972
- 01 January 1973
- 19 January 1973
- 22 January 1973
- 12 February 1973
- 13 February 1973
- 15 February 1973
- 15 February 1973
- 16 February 1973
- 15 March 1973
- 16 March 1973
- 04 March 1973
- 17 March 1973
- 18 March 1973
- 26 March 1973
- 26 March 1973
- 27 March 1973
- 28 March 1973
- 28 April 1973
- May 1973
- 06 May 1973
- 10 May 1973
- 1967?
- 06 July 1972
- 06 February 1973
- 18 May 1972
- 19 May 1972
- 22 September 1991
- 09 August 1995
- 20 May 1973
- 26 May 1973
- 15 August 1973
- 07 September 1973
- 22 October 1973
- 17 November 1973
- 25 November 1973
- 10 December 1973
- 19 December 1973
- 26 December 1973
- 1974?
- 07 February 1974
- 19 February 1974
- 22 February 1974
- 22 February 1974
- 28 February 1974
- 27 February 1974
- 28 February 1974
- Undated?
- Undated?
- 06 March 1974
- 12 March 1974
- 15 March 1974
- 19 March 1974
- 28 March 1974
- 29 March 1974
- 07 April 1974
- 01 May 1974
- Undated?
- 07 May 1974
- 07 May 1974
- 08 May 1974
- 08 May 1974
- 12 May 1974
- 17 May 1974
- 25 May 1974
- Undated?
- 03 June 1974
- Undated?
- 04 June 1974
- 06 June 1974
- 06 June 1974
- 07 June 1974
- 10 June 1974
- 15 June 1974
- 17 June 1974
- 19 June 1974
- Undated?
- 23 June 1974
- 25 June 1974
- 25 June 1974
- 02 July 1974
- 06 July 1974
- 07 July 1974
- 09 July 1974
- 10 July 1974
- 14 July 1974
- 20 February 1993
- 17 July 1974
- 18 July 1974
- 18 July 1974
- 19 July 1974
- 20 July 1974
- 06 August 1974
- Undated?
- 08 August 1974
- Undated?
- 11 August 1974
- 11 August 1974
- 12 August 1974
- 16 August 1974
- 19 August 1974
- Undated?
- 21 August 1974
- 24 August 1974
- 25 September 1974
- 08 August 1974
- 05 September 1974
- 01 October 1974
- 01 October 1974
- 04 October 1974
- 05 October 1974
- Undated?
- 21 February 1975
- 12 October 1974
- 21 February 1975
- 17 January 1975
- 20 January 1975
- Undated?
- 02 February 1975
- 05 April 1975
- 18 May 1975
- 29 August 1975
- 29 August 1975
- 02 October 1975
- 15 October 1975
- 16 October 1975
- 11 November 1975
- 31 December 1975
- 14 January 1976
- 20 January 1976
- 21 February 1976
- Undated?
- 11 February 1976
- 12 February 1976
- Undated?
- 19 February 1976
- Undated?
- 19 February 1976
- 24 February 1976
- 24 February 1976
- 01 March 1976
- 06 February 1976
- 06 March 1976
- 12 March 1976
- 28-29 May 1976
- 03 June 1976
- 28 June 1976
- 13 September 1976
- 04 September 1976
- 1977?
- 20 March 1934
- Undated?
- 09 February 1977
- 18 May 1977
- 19 May 1977
- 18 June 1977
- Undated?
- 27 June 1977
- 1978?
- 10 July 1978
- 1979?
- 03 April 1979
- 07 November 1979
- 1980
- Undated?
- 18 February 1980
- November 1980
- Undated?
- 01 November 1963
- Undated?
- 31 August 1966
- 26 June 1981
- 21 January 1981
- 01 April 1983
- 17 February 1984
- 30 April 1984
- 23 June 1984
- 21 September 1984
- 29 September 1984
- 21 September 1984
- 31 October 1984
- 22 November 1984
- 07 June 1987
- 09 June 1987
- 12 June 1987
- Undated?
- 22 July 1987
- 18 August 1987
- 05 October 1987
- 09 October 1987
- 20 October 1987
- 05 November 1987
- 26 May 1988
- 01 September 1988
- 02 September 1988
- 05 December 1988
- Undated?
- 20 April 1989
- 01 June 1989
- 19 July 1989
- 29 July 1989
- 03 December 1989
- 23 August 1990
- 21 November 1990
- 26 April 1991
- 22 August 1991
- 30 August 1991
- Undated?
- Undated?
- 16 August 1986
- Undated?
- 10 February 1955
- 06 December 1995
- 03 March 1999
- 08 August 2000
- 18 August 2000
During this period, the Mother gave the following message regarding lands to people concerned:
May 1970
The lands for Auroville are to be bought and can be bought. The money is needed.
Will you help?
The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: Finance
Nothing was concretely done despite the Mother's message about the lands.
Now after many years the people concerned keep on sending folders and appeals on the letterhead—Auroville Land Fund.
I have received the letters and folders. I could not help except that I pray to the Supreme Lord to set everything right in Auroville.
My memory winged back to the year 1965 when the Mother told me and the people concerned to buy lands for Auroville as quickly as possible since the price would increase day by day. Unfortunately none paid heed to the Mother's warning. I felt very sorry and helpless, because I was not running the show! I did convey the message to them. But...
In the beginning there was a lot of money, because quite a number of people gave considerable amounts of money to Sri Aurobindo Society to buy lands for themselves and for the development of Auroville. But instead of this, the people concerned spent enormous amount of money in experimenting indiscriminately in building and breaking houses and other things without any precise result. It was a sheer waste of money, time, energy and consciousness.
The Mother always put stress on practicality and simplicity.
The following message form the Mother is quite appropriate:
For Those Who Have Some Land To Sell
There is a Supreme Divinity Witness of all our actions and the day of the consequence will come soon.
The Mother, Words of the Mother - II: Circumstances: Results of Past Actions
I read somewhere this humorous story of Four People:
This is the story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realised that Everybody would not do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody, when actually Nobody accused Anybody.
From this story anybody can draw a conclusion regarding the important work!