Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II
Books (en)
- Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II
- 2008 Edition
Books (en)
- Champaklal's Treasures
- 1976 Edition
Divine Mother,
I wish to get light on the following points.
1) Have I the capacity and are there potentialities in me to lead this path?
This is not the question, the question is whether you have the necessary aspiration, determination and perseverance and whether you can by the intensity and persistence of your aspiration make all the parts of your being answer to the call and become one in the consecration.
2) How should I continue my practice (sadhana) after returning home ?Quiet yourself and in the quiet see and feel the Mother.
3) How can I meditate? What is meant by opening? Where should I open?
An inner purity and receptivity that freely lets in the Mother's influence Begin with the heart.
4) I aspire for higher life from above the head; but I always feel strained on the middle part of the forehead. What should I do?
Do not strain yourself.
5) How does the psychic being become open? How to understand the psychic and vital beings in the adhar?
By the force of aspiration and the grace of the Mother.
Psychic: your true being, the being that is in the heart and that is the spark of the Mother's own consciousness.
Vital: the part from which proceed desires and hunger and dynamic activities, having its physical basis round about the navel.
6) My family consists of myself, wife, two sons and one girl. I desire to come here and stay permanently, but my wife does not approve it. What should I do?
7) / want to come here again for a stay of at least three months. Kindly give me permission.«
Inform when you are ready to come. It is only then that the permission can be given.
8) In my daily life, I become dejected and fall prey in the hands of the lower forces (anger, lust etc.). I humbly request the Mother for help and protection.
9) My wife is devoted to Goddess Ambaji. Her heart opens to Her, but she cannot get rid of the worldly attachments. Please help her. May I send her photo?
If you like.
10) / request for permission to write letters to the Mother.
You can write.
11) What attitude should I keep while doing my works of daily routine ? How should I act with family-members, relatives and friends?
12) What should I read at present?Sri Aurobindo's books.
1) The Mother's replies to twelve questions of Muljibhai Talati.
November 1928
The Mother