Hymns to the Mystic Fire
All translations of Vedic hymns to Agni; and related writings. The material includes all the contents of Hymns to the Mystic Fire (translations of hymns to Agni from the Rig Veda, with a Foreword by Sri Aurobindo) as well as translations of many other hymns to Agni, some of which are published here for the first time.
- Hymns to the Mystic Fire
- Vol. 16
- 2013 Edition
- Hymns to the Mystic Fire
- Vol. 11
- 1971 Edition
Medhatithi Kanwa
[note] - situations requiring textual explication; all such information is printed in italics.
अग्निं दूतं वृणीमहे होतारं विश्ववेदसम् ।
अस्य यज्ञस्य सुकतुम् ॥१॥
1) We choose Agni, the summoner, the all-knowing, the messenger, the will effective of this sacrifice.
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अग्निमग्निं हवीमभिः सदा हवन्त विश्पतिम् ।
हव्यवाहं पुरुप्रियम् ॥२॥
2) To the Lord of the creatures, the bearer of our offerings, the beloved of Many, to every flame the sacrificers ever call with hymns that summon the Gods, One in whom are many dear things.
अग्ने देवाँ इहा वह जज्ञानो वृक्तबर्हिषे ।
असि होता न ईड्यः ॥३॥
3) O Fire, thou being born hither bear the Gods for the sacrificer who spreads the holy seat, thou art our desirable summoning priest.
ताँ उशतो वि बोधय यदग्ने यासि दूत्यम् ।
देवैरा सत्सि बर्हिषि ॥४॥
4) O Fire, when thou goest as our envoy, awaken them up who desire our offerings. Take thy seat with the Gods on the holy grass.
घृताहवन दीदिवः प्रति ष्म रिषतो दह ।
अग्ने त्वं रक्षस्विनः ॥५॥
5) O Fire, thou who art called by the offerings of clarity, thou shining one, do thou oppose and burn down the haters that confine.
अग्निनाग्निः समिध्यते कविर्गृहपतिर्युवा ।
हव्यवाड् जुह्वास्यः ॥६॥
6) By the Fire is the fire perfectly kindled, the seer, the lord of the house, the youth, the bearer of offering whose mouth receives the offerings.
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कविमग्निमुप स्तुहि सत्यधर्माणमध्वरे ।
देवममीवचातनम् ॥७॥
7) To the divine Flame, the seer, him whose law of being is the Truth, the shining one, the destroyer of all evils, approach and chant the hymn of praise.
यस्त्वामग्ने हविष्पतिर्दूतं देव सपर्यति ।
तस्य स्म प्राविता भव ॥८॥
8) O Flame, O divine messenger, the lord of the offerings who waits on thee, of him become the protector.
यो अग्निं देवदीतये हविष्माँ आविवासति ।
तस्मै पावक मृळय ॥९॥
9) He who with the offerings approaches the divine force, for the Birth of the Gods, O Purifier, on him have grace.
स नः पावक दीदिवोऽग्ने देवाँ इहा वह ।
उप यज्ञं हविश्च नः ॥१०॥
10) O shining Flame, thou who purifiest, hither bear the Gods to our offerings and to our sacrifice.
स नः स्तवान आ भर गायत्रेण नवीयसा ।
रयिं वीरवतीमिषम् ॥११॥
11) Thou adored by our fresh Gayatri rhythms bring for us the felicity and force full of hero's strength.
अग्ने शुक्रेण शोचिषा विश्वाभिर्देवहूतिभिः ।
इमं स्तोमं जुषस्व नः ॥१२॥
12) O Fire, with thy lustres white, and all thy divine hymns that summon the Gods, come and accept this hymn that we affirm.
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सुसमिद्धो न आ वह देवाँ अग्ने हविष्मते ।
होतः पावक यक्षि च ॥१॥
1) O Fire! perfectly kindled, bear the gods to him who has the offerings, O Thou who purifiest! Thou summoner! sacrifice to the gods.
मधुमन्तं तनूनपाद् यज्ञं देवेषु नः कवे ।
अद्या कृणुहि वीतये ॥२॥
2) O Son of the body! Now make the sacrifice honied for the gods (or full of honey among the gods) for their enjoyment, O seer.
नराशंसमिह प्रियमस्मिन् यज्ञ उप ह्वये ।
मधुजिह्वं हविष्कृतम् ॥३॥
3) Him, the beloved, I call hither to this sacrifice, he who creates the offerings, possessed of honied tongue.
अग्ने सुखतमे रथे देवाँ ईळित आ वह ।
असि होता मनुर्हितः ॥४॥
4) O Fire! Thou who art adored, bring here the gods in thy happiest car; (for) thou art the summoner established by man.
स्तृणीत बर्हिरानुषग् घृतपृष्ठं मनीषिणः ।
यत्रामृतस्य चक्षणम् ॥५॥
5) O Thinkers! spread you the holy seat continuous and true in order, sprinkled with clear offerings (of clarified butter), to where is the vision of immortality.
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ऐभिरग्ने द्रुवो गिरो विश्वेभिः सोमपीतये ।
देवेभिर्याहि यक्षि च ॥१॥
1) With all these gods, O Agni, thou who art the activity of speech, arrive and do thy work.
आ त्वा कण्वा अहूषत गृणन्ति विप्र ते धियः ।
देवेभिरग्न आ गहि ॥२॥
2) On thee, O Agni, the Kanwas have called, for thee, O master of wisdom, their movements of understanding become articulate; arrive, O Agni, with the gods.
इन्द्रवायू बृहस्पतिं मित्राग्निं पूषणं भगम् ।
आदित्यान् मारुतं गणम् ॥३॥
3) On Indra and Vayu, Brihaspati, on Mitra and Agni, Pushan, Bhaga, the Adityas and the Marut host.
प्र वो भ्रियन्त इन्दवो मत्सरा मादयिष्णवः ।
द्रप्सा मध्वश्चमूषदः ॥४॥
4) For you the nectar streams are filled in, rapturous and maddening, dripping sweetness, into their vessel they settle down.
ईळले त्वामवस्यवः कण्वासो वृक्तबर्हिषः ।
हविष्मन्तो अरंकृतः ॥५॥
5) Thee the Kanwas protected adore, when they have manifested the Flame, hold the offering and have set their array.
घृतपृष्ठा मनोयुजो ये त्वा वहन्ति वह्नयः ।
आ देवान्त्सोमपीतये ॥६॥
6) Shining of flank, yoked to the mind, the bearers that bear thee and bear to us the gods to drink the Soma-wine.
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तान् यजत्राँ ऋतावृधोऽग्ने पत्नीवतस्कृधि ।
मध्वः सुजिह्व पायय ॥७॥
7) Make them active to the Yajna, O Agni, they increase by truth, they have with them their female powers; make them drink the sweetnesses, O keen of tongue.
ये यजत्रा य ईड्यास्ते ते पिबन्तु जिह्वया ।
मधीरग्ने वषट्कृति ॥८॥
8) Those that are active to Yajna, those that are adorable, let both of them drink with thy tongue, O Agni, the heady sweetness of the wine.
आकीं सूर्यस्य रोचनाद् विश्वान् देवाँ उषर्बुधः ।
विप्रो होतेह वक्षति ॥९॥
9) From the world of the lustre of the sun the seer, the priest of the offering bringeth the gods that wake to the dawn.
विश्वेभिः सोम्यं मध्वग्न इन्द्रेण वायुना ।
पिबा मित्रस्य धामभिः ॥१०॥
10) With all of them, O Agni, drink thou the sweetness of the Soma-wine, with Indra and Vayu and Mitra's lustres.
त्वं होता मनुर्हितोऽग्ने यज्ञेषु सीदसि ।
सेमं नो अध्वरं यज ॥११॥
11) Thou, the priest of the oblation, thinker and friend, sittest, O Agni, at the Yajnas, therefore do thou set thyself to this action of sacrifice of ours.
युक्ष्वा ह्यरुषी रथे हरितो देव रोहितः ।
ताभिर्देवाँ इहा वह ॥१२॥
12) Yoking, O God, in thy chariot the rosy and the green and the crimson, by these bear hither the gods.
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